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Genetic testing recommendations

I was going to order the 23andme test but I see the FDA has shut them down. Anyway I was wondering if someone could recommend another good place to order the test from along with an interpretation.

I suspect I could have the MTHFR mutation. I've been trying to treat thyroid/adrenal issues for years with little to no success. I also tested positive for gluten/casein sensitivities. I suspect I have other things going on because I just can't find relief of symptoms on any diets or hormone replacement protocols. I want to explore/treat possible gene mutations first and then move on to Lyme testing if that doesn't work.

I've read nothing but good things about 23andme and it's a shame the FDA has to stick it's nose in it. I guess they were helping too many people get well without the aid of the wonderful medical establishment.


Senior Member
I was going to order the 23andme test but I see the FDA has shut them down. Anyway I was wondering if someone could recommend another good place to order the test from along with an interpretation.
They aren't shut down, and still give all the same info about your SNPs. They just aren't allowed to list your risk factors and such.


Senior Member
OK thanks. So if I order the $99 test, I get everything I need?
Yeah, though there's additional shipping costs of you're outside of the USA. Once you get the results, you can run them through various programs and websites to get some useful information.