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How to flush out toxins?


Senior Member
I have determined that I have a nasty microbe built up in me. Not sure if it is a "regular" type of general infection or a bad balance of gut microbes. What I'd like to do is a very basic home cleansing. Just try to flush as much of the whatever out as possible. Then I'll throw a bunch of probiotics at it.

I do not want herbal preparations, detox formulas, specific detox diets or the like. I am on much needed meds so I don't think something like activated charcoal or clay would be a good idea. It would likely flush out the meds too.

First, I'm going to do a basic colonoscopy prep. Not sure which of those lovely drinks to buy from the pharmacy. There are several. Maybe one with magnesium. I can't remember what the names are.

I am thinking of a short fast of a couple days maybe with only liquids. I am wondering about vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, salt ... That kind of very simple thing to try to both flush out some stuff and also possibly have an antimicrobial effect. I'm not sure whether to go acid or alkaline or to alternate between the two.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Have you been reading the resistant starch thread? It is very interesting in its effect on gut bacteria. Long thread though!



But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I used a prep called Lo-So Prep. It's a small bottle of magnisium but has a suppository also. It doesn't have a lot of sodium in it.

You can buy it or magnesium liquid OTC.

There was one I forget what it was called, but it was like prune juice X 10. X-Prep I think.


senior member
Concord, NH
I have determined that I have a nasty microbe built up in me. Not sure if it is a "regular" type of general infection or a bad balance of gut microbes. What I'd like to do is a very basic home cleansing. Just try to flush as much of the whatever out as possible. Then I'll throw a bunch of probiotics at it.

I do not want herbal preparations, detox formulas, specific detox diets or the like. I am on much needed meds so I don't think something like activated charcoal or clay would be a good idea. It would likely flush out the meds too.

First, I'm going to do a basic colonoscopy prep. Not sure which of those lovely drinks to buy from the pharmacy. There are several. Maybe one with magnesium. I can't remember what the names are.

I am thinking of a short fast of a couple days maybe with only liquids. I am wondering about vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, salt ... That kind of very simple thing to try to both flush out some stuff and also possibly have an antimicrobial effect. I'm not sure whether to go acid or alkaline or to alternate between the two.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


My Dr prescribes me Cholestryamine to remove/keep toxins in my body. I take it 1 hour before medications/supps, and 3 hours after taking meds/supps.

I have read/heard that the removal of toxins via Infrared Saunas is a few times, at least, more potent than regular saunas.

some food for thought.



Senior Member
Ventura, CA
I started taking something from a lyme clinic in kansas called hansen center something.. . I have a lot of built up ammonia and other neuro toxins from the disease and it works perfectly, binding to different positive charged damaging free radicals and getting them out of the system through bathroom habits lol.. I personally use one called Neuro antitoxII CNS/PNS because it reaches deeper into the central nervous system and blood brain barrier to get all the crap out.. I am not sure if your situation is as severe as mine though so you could probably get by very well with the basic formula of Silphitran, You could look into other ones as well if you wanted but this works just fine for the basic detox of harming neurotoxins and the like.

The website is called jernigannutraceuticals.com

I was going to also recommend Zeolite but like you said if clay will bind to other things like your meds then maybe not a good idea..

Anything that clears out bio toxins, neurotoxins, etc.. will also probably flush out some degree of prescription meds as well though, so best to take anything like Silphitran, or zeolite and the like a good time apart from other meds, this gives time for the meds to go deeper into the system before being binded and flushed out.



My Dr prescribes me Cholestryamine to remove/keep toxins in my body. I take it 1 hour before medications/supps, and 3 hours after taking meds/supps.

I have read/heard that the removal of toxins via Infrared Saunas is a few times, at least, more potent than regular saunas.

some food for thought.


Dr Rich C Shoemaker uses CSM(cholestryamine)too in his neurotoxin elimination protocol... his protocol binds mould/bio-toxins that make past mould exposed people chronicly ill

He lay's an emphasis on eliminating ALL current infections in the patient before undertaking this form of therapy/detox as he believes most if not all chronic infections produce neurotoxic products


Far infrared saunas penetrate MUCH deeper into the body/tissue which help mobilise stored toxins especially in fat deposits


Senior Member
I was going to also recommend Zeolite but like you said if clay will bind to other things like your meds then maybe not a good idea..

Anything that clears out bio toxins, neurotoxins, etc.. will also probably flush out some degree of prescription meds as well though, so best to take anything like Silphitran, or zeolite and the like a good time apart from other meds, this gives time for the meds to go deeper into the system before being binded and flushed out.

Does anybody know, wheter the Zeolite also flushes out gut microbes?


Senior Member
Okay, I found this here:
http://aboutclay.com/info/Articles/Frequently asked questions.htm
In his book, Earth Cures, Raymond Dextreit wrote, “Clay is incomparable for maintaining or re-establishing a good normal flora, for it favors the development of useful ferments, while opposing the growth of pathogenic bacill.
Bentonite clay also promotes good digestion even though it forces the waste out. This is because Bentonite clay has microorganisms and certain enzymes that help the digestive system regain its natural flora. Remember that the digestive system has its own set of good bacteria that helps maintain the natural flow in the body. With the use of colon cleanse products; there is a chance that this flow may be interrupted. But Bentonite clay prevents this from happening, making the process of colon cleansing effective as well as safe.

As clay and bentonit act equal, the answer must be the same for zeolite.

According to this study, it also does has no effect to the content of serum aluminium.
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