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Very disappointed in ProHealth -- going biopsychosocial?


Senior Member
I got a subscription email from ProHealth including the following --
Creating a Mindset of Healing

By Lauren Schnell*

What if I told you that doctors have discovered a breakthrough in treating Fibromyalgia and ME/chronic fatigue syndrome you or a loved one is living with? Would you be open and willing to learn about what that breakthrough is? If the answer is YES, then it is from this space of openness and willingness where you will begin your healing journey.

In overcoming our health conditions it is imperative that we approach our health from a radically new mindset. Essential in forming this new mindset is entertaining the notion that anything is possible when it comes to our health, and yes, YOU CAN heal yourself and thrive.

and later

Assuming you are willing to give my concepts a go, lets begin by taking a look at how you have been perceiving the disease in your mind. First, are you seeing the disease as a diagnosis that the doctor gave you with no cure? Second, are you seeing that this disease has happened to you and now you are wounded, and to a certain degree, helpless about your health conditions? As long as this type of thinking rules your mind, which I like to call a "victim" or "wounded" consciousness, the ego will retain a nearly unbreakable grip on your suffering and will not allow you to heal.

I used to be supportive of ProHealth. Not any more. I won't be buying from them any longer if they're going to send me this kind of..... whatever.


Senior Member
Kind of astounding. What kind of a subscription email was this? Is this something out of their
regular email and did it represent someone else or some practitioner selling something? VERY weird and NOT good!


Senior Member
I think the term you are looking for is "crunchy, hippie, voodoo bullshit."

And here was me trying to be polite. :rofl:
Kind of astounding. What kind of a subscription email was this? Is this something out of their
regular email and did it represent someone else or some practitioner selling something? VERY weird and NOT good!
It was just one of their standard emails. Weird. Needless to say I cancelled all my email subscriptions from them. And took them out of my bookmarks. And ripped the labels off all the supplements I bought from them previously. And.... :p


Senior Member
Because I know you're all eager to follow up with this remarkable woman with the "breakthrough in treating fibromyalgia and ME/Chronic Fatigue syndrome", I'm sharing the last paragraph of the email with you

Four years ago Lauren Schnell, CHHC, created a radical u-turn in her life surviving a brain tumor, near divorce, financial devastation and so much more. Lauren teaches individuals from her own personal transformation how to thrive by using her daily spiritual practice tools including a technology she created called Activating Affirmations™. Lauren is a motivational speaker, life coach and author of a series of life-changing audio recordings including her 30-Day Mind Cleanse. Lauren's expertise is in holistic nutrition, yoga, and empowering women to prosper debt-free, transform troubled marriages, and return to optimal health.

Wow, she can do ANYTHING. :rolleyes: Got debt? You will be empowered to prosper debt-free. Bad marriage? Transformed. ME/CFS? She can return you to optimal health. She will even sell you audio recordings to fix you. Wow.

I left off the link to her website. You'll have to find that on your own. :p


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
sounds alot like that amygdala training crap, someone trying to make money out of us.
if they did a small study showing how it lowers viral load and improves nk function, then they could say it improves me/cfs. otherwise the people they are curing we cant tell if they have me or not.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Because I know you're all eager to follow up with this remarkable woman with the "breakthrough in treating fibromyalgia and ME/Chronic Fatigue syndrome", I'm sharing the last paragraph of the email with you

Wow, she can do ANYTHING. :rolleyes: Got debt? You will be empowered to prosper debt-free. Bad marriage? Transformed. ME/CFS? She can return you to optimal health. She will even sell you audio recordings to fix you. Wow.

I left off the link to her website. You'll have to find that on your own. :p
we know how she got out of debt, selling crap audio tapes to vunerable people.
Now if she was selling healing crystals thats a different story


Senior Member
Give me us a break!! While anything is possible, this is not a probible ocurrance.

While her treatment might make you feel better in the short run, I doubt has a lasting effect.

Thanks for leaving out the URL. Would hate to have her to be bumped up in a search for treatment of me/cfs. :mad: (for her), :thumbsup: @SOC :thumbsup:

Will she be the downfall for oncologist?
Last edited:


Senior Member
I would urge you to write to the company and tell them that you're leaving them and exactly why.

Thoughts ARE powerful, and can have a positive impact on all sorts of diseases. But to simplify things to that extreme and imply that someone with this illness can simply think themselves cured is irresponsible and deeply offensive. If they would not make the same statements for a patient with MS, or Lupus, or AIDS, then they certainly shouldn't be making it for us. They need a huge double-check on their phrasing and approach.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Kind of astounding. What kind of a subscription email was this? Is this something out of their
regular email and did it represent someone else or some practitioner selling something? VERY weird and NOT good!

I got it too.



senior member
Concord, NH
I got it too.


Me also.


PS I saw they were peddling some herbal product, didn't seem like something that was a big breakthrough, so I didn't waste my time reading the whole thing. Reminded me of Teitalbaum with his herbal mixtures to help with sleep, didn't work for me, I need heavy duty meds for that!


Senior Member
I would urge you to write to the company and tell them that you're leaving them and exactly why.

Did that even before I came here to... um... comment upon it. I gave them an earful. ;)
In fact, I'm so miffed I'm going to write to them myself as well. Is it these folks, @SOC?


(Don't want to send my offended letter to some poor innocent and confused company with a similar name)

No, it's these folks
There's a contact us button on the upper left right (the other left :rolleyes:) of the page. I sent mine to the newsletter editor.


Senior Member
There is some evidence that in rare cases focused imagery, etc. can affect the body in a very real way (not with ME in particular, but with various other physical illnesses), so I can forgive them mentioning it. But there is a VAST difference between saying that sometimes it might help, and saying "you can heal yourself and thrive" And I would like to think that if they were talking about cancer instead of ME, they would have the sense to realize how offensive that second statement is.

Somebody needs a better education about exactly what ME is and how severe it can be.


Rebel without a biscuit
Because I know you're all eager to follow up with this remarkable woman with the "breakthrough in treating fibromyalgia and ME/Chronic Fatigue syndrome", I'm sharing the last paragraph of the email with you

Wow, she can do ANYTHING. :rolleyes: Got debt? You will be empowered to prosper debt-free. Bad marriage? Transformed. ME/CFS? She can return you to optimal health. She will even sell you audio recordings to fix you. Wow.

I left off the link to her website. You'll have to find that on your own. :p

Read: She lost her job and now is an expert at something that requires no qualification and seems like easy money.
She should have just answered those google ads.