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which specialist do i see for a second opinion


Senior Member
I'm looking to get a second opinion to make sure my cfs diagnosis is for sure and that they definitely haven't missed anything but also if it is definitely cfs then ways to treat it. Would I definitely need to see a neurologist? Or general medicine? Because I want to make sure my immune system has a clear bill of health but I don't need a haematologist either. Do neurologist know about the immune system? Also will they be rude to me?

Thank you for reading.


Senior Member
I'm looking to get a second opinion to make sure my cfs diagnosis is for sure and that they definitely haven't missed anything but also if it is definitely cfs then ways to treat it. Would I definitely need to see a neurologist? Or general medicine? Because I want to make sure my immune system has a clear bill of health but I don't need a haematologist either. Do neurologist know about the immune system? Also will they be rude to me?

Thank you for reading.

You should have an NHS ME/CFS clinic in your area.


Senior Member
San Diego, CA
Dr. Chia in Torrance, CA, is who diagnosed me "officially" as far as I'm concerned. He found the enterovirus in my stomach lining via his specialized blood tests. He discovered (with similar research in the UK backing up his studies) that CFS is an enterovirus. His only option is to treat patients with Chinese herbs at this point.


Senior Member
I'm looking to get a second opinion to make sure my cfs diagnosis is for sure and that they definitely haven't missed anything but also if it is definitely cfs then ways to treat it. Would I definitely need to see a neurologist? Or general medicine? Because I want to make sure my immune system has a clear bill of health but I don't need a haematologist either. Do neurologist know about the immune system? Also will they be rude to me?

Thank you for reading.
Well there is the Breaks spear if you can afford it where you can get a diagnosis, and a mitochondria test but there are mixed reviews.


Senior Member
Sorry if I don't make sense but I was asking if I would need a neurologist, in the sense of what a consultant would specialize in.

I'm looking at a neurologist who specialises in cfs. I'm not going through the nhs as it will probs take too long and there is no guarantee that I will see him.

@brenda thanks for that. What sort of reviews do they have?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Sorry if I don't make sense but I was asking if I would need a neurologist, in the sense of what a consultant would specialize in.

I'm looking at a neurologist who specialises in cfs. I'm not going through the nhs as it will probs take too long and there is no guarantee that I will see him.

@brenda thanks for that. What sort of reviews do they have?

I think you would be very lucky to find a neurologist who specializes in ME/CFS. If you are considering a neurologist I would get other patients' comments on the individual doc. The ME/CFS specialists who do exist (it is a rare breed!) come from all different backgrounds and have decided to specialize in this area for personal reasons (maybe a family member who is sick with it) or because they are really good doctors and something has caught their curiosity or attention about the illness.



Senior Member
Sorry if I don't make sense but I was asking if I would need a neurologist, in the sense of what a consultant would specialize in.

I'm looking at a neurologist who specialises in cfs. I'm not going through the nhs as it will probs take too long and there is no guarantee that I will see him.

@brenda thanks for that. What sort of reviews do they have?
Hi, l think Break spear have a neurologist. I will find the details tomorrow unless you want to Google the clinic. Will also answer your other question when l get up.


Senior Member
I'm looking to get a second opinion to make sure my cfs diagnosis is for sure and that they definitely haven't missed anything but also if it is definitely cfs then ways to treat it. Would I definitely need to see a neurologist? Or general medicine? Because I want to make sure my immune system has a clear bill of health but I don't need a haematologist either. Do neurologist know about the immune system? Also will they be rude to me?

Thank you for reading.
If I were in England, I'd see Dr Kenny DeMeirleir in Brussels, Belgium. He doesn't miss much where ME/CFS in concerned.


Senior Member
@SOC Thanks for the replies. I'd love to go abroad but I definitely can't go to Brussels to see a Dr that may or may not help. I've only been diagnosed recently so I won't rule it out but I have to make sure I have to correct diagnosis before I seek treatment. The treatments cost a lot. :/ once you put it all together.

@brenda I looked them up and I saw some negative review. I'm not sure If I want to go with a private clinic like that. Are they well know?

@Sushi this Dr has an interest in cfs and used to run a ME/CFS clinic in Glasgow. He's not far from me now and his research papers seem good. I hope he's good with diagnostics though. He holds neurology clinics and others as well so his specialism isn't just cfs.