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sinus and head pressure

London, UK
I've been on ACV (3 tablespoons daily: 1 directly before each meal) and coconut oil (30g faily) candida treatment for 18 days now, and about a week ago I started on a few coenzymated b vitamins (approx 300% RDA for the first two, and 200% for the thiamine daily, in water):


in addition to HHI's Adenosyl b12 megadrops (1 daily, sublingual, which is 33,333RDA.)

I've been getting this odd sensation of pressure in my cranium and sinuses. It comes and goes in frequency and severity. I read in one of Caledonia's posts something to do with methylating and head pressure. However, I'm not sure whether this is due to candida detox or methylation or lack of potassium, or any of my numerous health issues (candida; hyperammoneia; metal toxicities; super low aldosterone; hypothyroidism; to name a few... and seemingly the full range of scary bad SNPs).

Any idea what could be causing this, and how to remedy it?

Thanks in advance.
London, UK
Thank you for the link, Hip. However, my question was regarding whatever was causing the sinusitis and head pressure. Is it the b vitamins? Is it the candida detox? Any ideas?

I've had sinusitis for about 7 years, but never to the extent that I'm getting it now, and the cranial pressure is entirely new.


Senior Member
my question was regarding whatever was causing the sinusitis

I've had sinusitis for about 7 years, but never to the extent that I'm getting it now, and the cranial pressure is entirely new.

The thread cited talks about a non-infectious (inflammatory) sinusitis, which is one cause. Then there are infectious causes, such as sinusitis driven by a bacterial infection. If you search these forums, you will find info on the latter. I am not sure why your sinusitis is getting worse recently, though.
London, UK
Forum member @caledonia mentioned something about those with the CBS + or +/+ defect (which symptoms and clinical findings lead me to believe I have) reacting to methyl groups (or something to do with methylation) with symptoms such as anxiety, and in one case, head pressure. I'm wondering if it's a CBS reaction to something methyl-related.
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Senior Member
Arizona, USA
Thank you for the link, Hip. However, my question was regarding whatever was causing the sinusitis and head pressure. Is it the b vitamins? Is it the candida detox? Any ideas?

I've had sinusitis for about 7 years, but never to the extent that I'm getting it now, and the cranial pressure is entirely new.
Have you tried cutting back on the B6? Headaches can be a sign of too much.


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australia (brisbane)
Ongoing sinus issues I think is due to our crap immune system and is possibly due to opportunistic infections where staph is the common infection. Ultimately getting our immune system to function properly, otherwise I think we can only do long courses of abx. Doxycycline worked well for me for awhile but then stopped. Now I find augmentin duo or bactrim the most effective but infections return when abx are finished so im mostly on abx all the time. Also found the BEG abx nasal worked well and helps with biofilms.

I do use alot of saline sprays. When im really blocked up I just use a sinus congestion spray with oxymetazoline which opens the sinuses up quite quickly and then when that occurs I hit it hard with the saline sprays to help drain all the crap out.

Otherwise I think for many of us its an ongoing battle.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@oh_noes, either your detox or your diet could be contributing histamines. lowhistaminechef.com has a lot of info re histamines, tho not a great food list. Here's a food list. http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?attachments/allowed-restricted-foods-pdf.6229/

Try eliminating all suspicious foods. In any case, whether food, detox, methylation...calcium and Vit C help mobilize histamines out of the system. I get mine via footbaths. When I've done a coffee enema, I self-test for increased amounts of these, indicating an increased histamine activity. There are a range of supps that help: quercetin, rutin, royal jelly. Have you tried taking extra potassium? good luck getting to the bottom of this. ahmo
London, UK
Thanks everyone.

@ahmo : As yet I cannot seem to find a way of getting extra potassium. Supplements only have about 3% RDA, which I presume is all lost in the mal-digestive proccess anyway. I've heard LoSalt is good; but I've not tried it. I already take 1tsp Himalayan rock salt daily for my PoTS and adrenal insufficiency.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
Thanks everyone.

@ahmo : As yet I cannot seem to find a way of getting extra potassium. Supplements only have about 3% RDA, which I presume is all lost in the mal-digestive proccess anyway. I've heard LoSalt is good; but I've not tried it. I already take 1tsp Himalayan rock salt daily for my PoTS and adrenal insufficiency.
Coconut water is very high in potassium - about 500-650 mg. That's about as high as any food gets. I like it because it tastes good when I need it, and I can't stand it when I don't.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I've been on ACV (3 tablespoons daily: 1 directly before each meal) and coconut oil (30g faily) candida treatment for 18 days now, and about a week ago I started on a few coenzymated b vitamins (approx 300% RDA for the first two, and 200% for the thiamine daily, in water):


in addition to HHI's Adenosyl b12 megadrops (1 daily, sublingual, which is 33,333RDA.)

I've been getting this odd sensation of pressure in my cranium and sinuses. It comes and goes in frequency and severity. I read in one of Caledonia's posts something to do with methylating and head pressure. However, I'm not sure whether this is due to candida detox or methylation or lack of potassium, or any of my numerous health issues (candida; hyperammoneia; metal toxicities; super low aldosterone; hypothyroidism; to name a few... and seemingly the full range of scary bad SNPs).

Any idea what could be causing this, and how to remedy it?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Oh_noes,

Chronic sinus problems are one of the listed B12/folate deficiency symptoms. For me it appeared to be caused by the very thick and sticky mucous caused by the deficiencies due to mucosal tissue changes due to these deficiencies and cleared up as the tissues healed. My voice was rough and raspy as well for 20 years until I started MeCbl and l-methylfolate.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Thanks everyone.

@ahmo : As yet I cannot seem to find a way of getting extra potassium. Supplements only have about 3% RDA, which I presume is all lost in the mal-digestive proccess anyway. I've heard LoSalt is good; but I've not tried it. I already take 1tsp Himalayan rock salt daily for my PoTS and adrenal insufficiency.

Hi oh_noes,

I take 15 to 20 tablets a day in 4+ doses daily of potassium gluconate. I can take 300-400mg with a full glass of water and get relief within 30 minutes which would appear to indicate that it is absorbed in the stomach. I had terrible digestion for decades, caused by low methylfolate and low MeCbl specifically. IBS is one of those things that starts in 2-3 days after edema starts each time I have paradoxical folate deficiency start.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I love coconut water! It's too expensive for me to buy on a regular basis, but whenever I do buy it I go through a litre in two days.
I was going to ask what brand the litres are, but since you are in the UK and I am in the US it probably wouldn't do me any good. The largest size I have found is 17 oz. Because of the expense, I only use it when I do out-of-town trips such as shopping and doctor apptmt.


Be Strong!
Hey, they are finding out that chronic sinus infections are from biofilm. I have known that I had/ have this issue but not a name for it. I have been tring a new treatment for it that feels (so far... ) promising. Just put some j&j baby shampoo in my nielmed sinus rinse, Now things are moving. I have not had my sinus clear themselves in 13 years. It feels really good. I hope it lasts!


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I've been on ACV (3 tablespoons daily: 1 directly before each meal) and coconut oil (30g faily) candida treatment for 18 days now, and about a week ago I started on a few coenzymated b vitamins (approx 300% RDA for the first two, and 200% for the thiamine daily, in water):


in addition to HHI's Adenosyl b12 megadrops (1 daily, sublingual, which is 33,333RDA.)

I've been getting this odd sensation of pressure in my cranium and sinuses. It comes and goes in frequency and severity. I read in one of Caledonia's posts something to do with methylating and head pressure. However, I'm not sure whether this is due to candida detox or methylation or lack of potassium, or any of my numerous health issues (candida; hyperammoneia; metal toxicities; super low aldosterone; hypothyroidism; to name a few... and seemingly the full range of scary bad SNPs).

Any idea what could be causing this, and how to remedy it?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Oh_noes,

Chronic sinus problems are a common symptom of B12 deficiency. I had them for years as do many others.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@place, Autism/Lyme expert Klinghardt (or else Kamsteeg, I can't keep the 2 protocols separate), advises using clove and lemongrass oil on the soles of the feet for counteracting biofilm. Unfortunately the mag stearate in almost all the capsules I take is said to contribute to biofilm, as it's slipperiness encourages the formation. I've mixed these oils w/ oregano oil for eliminating bacteria, putting it on feet AM/PM. No longer self-test positive for needing Biocill, another product recommended for eliminating biofilm. cheers, ahmo


Be Strong!
@ahmo, is that biofilm in the body? Some of the sinus studies I have read linked biofilm with cystic fibrosis. I feel we are getting closer to a cure each year. It's nice to have hope! Thanks.