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electrolyte test accuracy. electrolyte used by cell.

southeast asia
edit: i just found out that the serum blood test for electrolyte is inaccurate cause only 1% in blood but they dont measure intracellular.

too bad i cant get the test to measure intracellular ones so it left me confused if im deficient or not.

i dont know how to put this and since im not a doctor but i hope people will understand what i mean people with knowledge could give an insight.
id like to discuss about electrolyte test mainly blood electrolyte test but also open to other test.
i was just wondering about blood electrolyte test.
does the level on blood test really accurate to test if we have some electrolyte problem/imbalance. doesnt the electrolyte in blood need to be transfered to be use/in cell. it also reminds me about saliva vs blood test.

is it possible if the level appears to be normal but we actually have some problem/defiency?
the reason why i ask about this is because 1. the neurologist i went into said the calcium blood test could appear normal but the calcium use in nervous system could have problem 2. there are somethings that could block cellular intake such as beta blocker to potassium. 3. i also read on some sites stated blood test could appear normal but doesnt mean theres no problem but now i already forget the explanation. 4. i read here http://www.multibriefs.com/briefs/icim/SodiumPotassiumTesting.pdf
that blood potassium lvl can be falsely elevated by a variety of circumstancessuch as if patient clenching, relaxing fist, if blood sample are delayed, if blood tubes are subjected to vigorous shaking or rough handling.
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southeast asia
and that neurologist did not tell you how to test to see if the calcium metabolism in enrvous system is out of balance?
no :(
anyway i read about RBC calcium, magnesium, etc test does that test more accurate than the serum?
does RBC calcium, magnesium test for intracellular?

edit: i just found out that the serum blood test for electrolyte is inaccurate cause only 1% in blood but they dont measure intracellular.

too bad i cant get the test to measure intracellular ones so it left me confused if im deficient or not.
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Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Could you get hair mineral analysis from a nutritionist, naturopath, or other alternative practitioner? I think they are more accurate than serum, but probably less accurate than RBC.


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
there is a cheek swab test that tests this, I think. Not sure how widely used it is.
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southeast asia

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
The quality of hair mineral analysis labs varies greatly. Two that did well in a test some years ago are Analytical Research Labs and Trace Elements, Inc. There may be others now. I do not know about HTMA. At the very least you want a lab that does not wash the hair and uses ICP-mass spectrometry.
southeast asia
The quality of hair mineral analysis labs varies greatly. Two that did well in a test some years ago are Analytical Research Labs and Trace Elements, Inc. There may be others now. I do not know about HTMA. At the very least you want a lab that does not wash the hair and uses ICP-mass spectrometry.
HTMA hair tissue mineral analysis and it was through trace element. but i guess the rbc test is more accurate..:confused: what are the labs check for the rbc ones? seems like mayo clinic doesnt? :eek:
metametrix, EUropean laboratory of nutrients?