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Best Glutathione for MTHFR & Mercury Patients?


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
What is everyone using for their glutathione? How are MAX ONE and MAX GXL?

I am currently getting glutathione IV injections for $150 and would like an alternative I can do at home. So far I only tried the reduced glutathione capsules (not much use) and liposomal glutathione (didn't notice any difference). With the IV's I notice a boost in energy and stable body temperature, and whiter face.

I have MTHFR mutation as well as a gene that makes it difficult for me to make glutathione. As well as mercury, lead, and likely Lyme Disease.


Senior Member
I used to really like the transdermal glutathione from lee silsby, for which you do need an Rx.
However, due to increasing MCS, I stopped being able to tolerate whatever else is in the cream--even the
one they make without preservatives. Strange, because these products are designed for highly reactive kids with ASD.

It did work great for the first two years I used it, though. It's much more economical and convenient than the IV pushes.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
What is everyone using for their glutathione? How are MAX ONE and MAX GXL?

I am currently getting glutathione IV injections for $150 and would like an alternative I can do at home. So far I only tried the reduced glutathione capsules (not much use) and liposomal glutathione (didn't notice any difference). With the IV's I notice a boost in energy and stable body temperature, and whiter face.

I have MTHFR mutation as well as a gene that makes it difficult for me to make glutathione. As well as mercury, lead, and likely Lyme Disease.

Hi taroki,

Are you also looking into methylation as a way to restore your glutathione levels?



Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Hmmm ... is there any other place I can purchase transdermal glutathione without a prescription? MCS = multiple chemical sensitivity?

Yup, currently taking Methyl B12, Methyl Folate, and TMG for the methylation issues. I am now trying to purchase KPU minerals as I think I have kryptopyrroluria which is causing my pyroluria symptoms and low testosterone issue. And supplementing with Zinc and B6 makes me feel better .... http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/kpu-mercury-and-other-heavy-metal-chelation.1694/
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Senior Member
@taroki, that is the only source I know of for TD GSH. Now that I see you are in Canada, I'm not sure they can ship there, either.
and yes, MCS=multiple chemical sensitivities.
sorry :(


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
What is everyone using for their glutathione? How are MAX ONE and MAX GXL?

I am currently getting glutathione IV injections for $150 and would like an alternative I can do at home. So far I only tried the reduced glutathione capsules (not much use) and liposomal glutathione (didn't notice any difference). With the IV's I notice a boost in energy and stable body temperature, and whiter face.

I have MTHFR mutation as well as a gene that makes it difficult for me to make glutathione. As well as mercury, lead, and likely Lyme Disease.

Hi Taroki,

I wouldn't have anybody take glutathione but I also don't believe in withholding information. The MAX GXL worked and was obvious in hours. For a fraction of the price you can buy NAC and l-glutamine and control the dose. The problem if one gets too much, and nobody knows what that dose was but MAX GXL put me into methyltrap in 2-3 hours and I was injecting 7.5mg of MeCbl 4 times a day. Glutathione stripped it from my body out in the urine in hours. In six weeks all 10 of us stopped the trial because of CNS neurological damage which hasn't completely repaired to this day, 5-6 years later. "Glutathione DETOX" is methyltrap and has severe folate deficiency symptoms. If a person already has those it is invisible. The relief of neurological pain and so on is from further damaging the nerve to numbness.


Senior Member
Maybe GSH worked for me because I am low in reduced GSH and high in oxidised GSH in my panel, and I have SNPs that make sulfur and glutamate a bit iffy. Also severe oxidative stress, which I think the GSH helps with a lot. GSH was particularly useful during the phase in which I was chelating exceedingly (175X ref range) high levels of lead. I think for most supplements there is a time and terrain for which they can be useful, and then not. I don't think there are many absolutes.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Maybe GSH worked for me because I am low in reduced GSH and high in oxidised GSH in my panel, and I have SNPs that make sulfur and glutamate a bit iffy. Also severe oxidative stress, which I think the GSH helps with a lot. GSH was particularly useful during the phase in which I was chelating exceedingly (175X ref range) high levels of lead. I think for most supplements there is a time and terrain for which they can be useful, and then not. I don't think there are many absolutes.

Hi Leela,

MCS=multiple chemical sensitivities.
So you have multiple chemical sensitivities? What about other methyltrap symptoms?


Senior Member
I so appreciate your willingness to be of help, Freddd, but you know very little about my own timing/terrain/medical history, so to conclude that the MCS is a symptom of methyltrap from GSH might be premature, imo.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I so appreciate your willingness to be of help, Freddd, but you know very little about my own timing/terrain/medical history, so to conclude that the MCS is a symptom of methyltrap from GSH might be premature, imo.

Hi Leela,

Yes, it is just a possibility. That is why I asked you which other methyltrap symptoms you had so that it can be understood in your context. Instead of saying "none" or "none I'm willing to list" or "none of your business" are all perfectly normal answers along with actually listing the symptoms if any. Instead you do an avoidance implying perhaps all sorts of things. Only you know why. Several years ago it was much foggier. Learning to turn methyltrap on and off with a switch (glutathione), was most educational. It doesn't require glutathione. That was a learning experience of what makes glutathione so dangerous.

I had decades of MCS, all home grown from folic acid and CyCbl. It was for many people clearly connected in some way to methylation block, usually the most severe type, methyltrap or methyltrap and partial ATP block.. Multiple episodes in me and others, of turning it ON and OFF in a matter of days or weeks and always accompanied by "the usual suspects" listed below. MCS is not typically a mild symptom of partial methylation block. It is a symptom of severe methyl block It is instead frequently a "symptoms set" that is usually accompanied by some of the other folate deficiency symptoms like asthma, allergies, widespread body inflammation, brain fog, emotional changes, and in general the symptoms of FMS/CFS/ME.

A person with MCS from methyltrap will often have often 100 to 200 other symptoms as part of the general symptoms. People who have MCS with those other symptoms often have extreme responses to active b12s and active folate. MCS can be relieved in days to months after methylation and ATP startups. Of course if you are a person who hangs around with a bunch of people with FMS/CFS/ME symptoms because they are so lively and fun and you have only MCS, then you would be very unusual.

So how many causes of MCS do you know of? What are they? And knowing those causes you of course know how to reverse it then? Let's exchange information and chart out these other pathways. At least I can offer one interpretation and possibility of known cause and known reversal pathway. One person, me, is just one person. However, I have had reports from a lot of people who have been amazed at how fast this bane of their existence can be corrected with Metafolin and MeCbl/AdoCbl. Of course they had many of these other symptoms too so it was a real good bet on their part. In this game of YOU BET YOUR LIFE only you can decide what bets to play and what strategy to use.

So my best suggestion is find others who have healed from MCS and ask them how they did it. There are lot's of theories. How many of them have you found that had worked multiple times on multiple people in a predictable way? For it to be predictable one needs to match up the group of symptoms. Predictions are very specific things. In looking for "cures" from MCS I just haven't found any but then mine diminished after MeCbl and went away completely after I started Metafolin. Then it came back with a vengeance with glutathione and went away rapidly this time with a few days of 16mg/day of Metafolin, along with ALL the other folate deficiency symptoms I had. Currently I literally don't have any folate deficiency or insufficiency symptoms. I take no asthma meds, no allergy meds, no anti-inflammatories besides AdoCbl, MeCbl and Metafolin. I have no MCS, no massive widespread food sensitivities, no IBS, none of the symptoms listed below.

I wish you the same success in figuring out and dealing with your problems. I've spent 35 years figuring this out, working in a business that gave me raw access to mega-person data bases in total. Good health to you.

Group 2a - Both
IBS – Diarrhea alternating with constipation, IBS – Normal alternating with constipation

Group 2b – Either or both

Headache, Increased malaise, Fatigue

Group 3 - Induced and/or Paradoxical Folate deficiency or insufficiency

IBS – Steady diarrhea, IBS – Diarrhea alternating with normal, Stomach ache, Uneasy digestive tract, increased hypersensitive responses , Skin rashes, Increased acne, Skin peeling around fingernails, Skin cracking and peeling at fingertips, Angular Cheilitis, Canker sores, Coated tongue, Runny nose, Increased allergies, Increased Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Increased asthma,

rapidly increasing Generalized inflammation in body, Increased Inflammation pain in muscles, Increased Inflammation pain in joints, Achy muscles, Flu like symptoms, Depression, Less sociable, Impaired planning and logic, Brain fog, Low energy, Light headedness, Sluggishness, Forgetfulness, Confusion, Difficulty walking, Behavioral disorders, Dementia, Reduced sense of taste, Increase irritability, Loss of reflexes, Fevers, Old symptoms returning, Heart palpitations, Bleeding easily.
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Senior Member
Southeastern United States
Back to the original topic, for those of us who would like to try using glutathione products -

@taroki you said liposomal glutathione didn't work for you, after the injections did, can we ask what brand of liposomal glutathione you used?

So sad to hear that liposomal didn't work, I've been hoping to try that.


Senior Member
Vitamin C is known to increase levels of gluthione. How do you do with vitamin c?


Senior Member
I have just started taking LivOn labs liposomal glutathione and it is having a big effect. Much more energy. I felt pretty bad on the third day but yesterday, the forth day was probably the best day I've had in a long time.

I wonder if this shows I have a methylation problem or is my body just needing more glutathione due to toxicity or infection etc. or did the period of stress and stomach cramps/bug that started my illness just lower my glutathione to a point that in 18 years it hasn't been able to recover from?
New Mexico
I'm currently supplementing with Seeking Health liposomal C and Glutathione. I used to use Livon-labs but the soy lecithin messed with my cycle as I have a prob with estrogenic items. I don't feel any brand has been better than Livon, based on feeling and how it actually worked during a virus, but I feel it's a better delivery system than pills as I don't digest well.