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Please Someone Help Me!

I am currently 24yrs. old with a ton of symptoms. Can someone please help me. I was diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction back last year but, my symptoms are still here and as of a few months ago I started swelling in my feet almost to where I would have pitting edema.

I am not a diabetic and am very petite so this is VERY strange for me. Ive seen numerous doctors and am currently seeing a doctor who is trying to run every test possible on me so hopefully, she or someone on here can help me or give me ideas to mention to her.
Here are a list of my symptoms:

-Extreme fatigue every day I have no energy and I sleep all the time.

-Swelling in my feet and ankles usually comes with extreme weakness and pains.


-Frequent Urination

-Blurred vision

-Fainting/Passing out with rapid heartbeats, my heart rate has been up to 213bpm!

-Waking up with rapid heartbeats while burning up as if im running fever

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But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I'd like to help but the color of your font is killing my eyes. Please make it black.

Also, list the tests and the results.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I am currently 24yrs. old with a ton of symptoms. Can someone please help me. I was diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction back last year but, my symptoms are still here and as of a few months ago I started swelling in my feet almost to where I would have pitting edema.

I am not a diabetic and am very petite so this is VERY strange for me. Ive seen numerous doctors and am currently seeing a doctor who is trying to run every test possible on me so hopefully, she or someone on here can help me or give me ideas to mention to her.
Here are a list of my symptoms:

-Extreme fatigue every day I have no energy and I sleep all the time.

-Swelling in my feet and ankles usually comes with extreme weakness and pains.


-Frequent Urination

-Blurred vision

-Fainting/Passing out with rapid heartbeats, my heart rate has been up to 213bpm!

-Waking up with rapid heartbeats while burning up as if im running fever


You could have POTS. Has your doctor evaluated you for that or given you any treatments? Also, test results would help others to give some suggestions.

Best wishes,
I actually have had a tilt table done but, when it was done my heart rate would not get up high like it usually is and also my blood pressure did drop when it was tilted but, they said that wasnt POTS.I have a friend who has had it for several years and me and her symptoms are so much alike its crazy.Thanks for your help!
I'd like to help but the color of your font is killing my eyes. Please make it black.

Also, list the tests and the results.

o srry I changed it.LOL These are the tests over the past 8mths they have tested me for.
ECHO done-had an abnormal spot come back which then, they did a TEE and explained to me that everything seemed normal except one spot was on the back side of my heart but, never explained fully what it was. They have also done the Tilt table and in March I currently had a heart cath.When I woke up they spoke with my husband and told him they could not get my heart to do it so they stopped.Only than these resent labs my new doctor just did this past Tuesday which the results should be back in the middle of next week.She's checking my iron,b12,several other panels,lupus,mis gravis, and some other others.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
o srry I changed it.LOL

These are the tests over the past 8mths they have tested me for.
ECHO done-had an abnormal spot come back which then,

they did a TEE and explained to me that everything seemed normal except one spot was on the back side of my heart but, never explained fully what it was.

They have also done the Tilt table and in March I currently had a heart cath.When I woke up they spoke with my husband and told him they could not get my heart to do it so they stopped.

Only than these resent labs my new doctor just did this past Tuesday which the results should be back in the middle of next week.She's checking my iron,b12,several other panels,lupus,mis gravis, and some other others.

Thanks for changing the color. Please see how I put in paragraphs. Many of us have a lot of problems reading large blocks of text.

I think you also need tons of tests for immune system and virus.