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Detox questions


Senior Member
Washington , DC area
I'm sure this is covered somewhere but I can find. What are some good things to use for general detox that people have had success with? I hate chlorella -- upsets my stomach. Have gotten some zeolite, but looking for other things as well.

Also, is it better to take things for detox throughout the day or just at night? I had heard night is better so you don't deplete vitamins you take during the day, but zeolite says go use 3 times a day. Thoughts?


Senior Member
For mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, I use Quicksilver Scientific Clearway Cofactors and Intestinal Metal Detox plus S-acetyl glutathione.
For lead and pesticides, I use Pectasol Detox Formula.
For herbicides and mold toxins, I use bentonite clay.
For hydrocarbons, I use charcoal.

In my mind, mercury is the big one. But I wouldn't start working on that until all of your amalgams are out.

I did some research before starting all of this. I chose not to go the chlorella route. It is a good general binder for all toxins but you have to take so many pills each days, literally dozens. (I take so much stuff already, I didn't want go even more overboard.) And I read about varying quality of chlorellas and I didn't know what was a good brand.

I decided to stay completely away from zeolites.


I also remember reading that zeolites can already be loaded up with heavy metals, the exact thing you are trying to get rid of! Unfortunately, I can't find the link for that. Maybe someone else can help?

Good luck.


Senior Member
Washington , DC area
Thanks. I feel the same way about chlorella. I only have one amalgm filling left, but I really have put off getting it removed because I have a resistance to novacaine and so dental work is a real ordeal. I am thinking of getting myself and my daughter tested for heavy metals, so I will see what I find out.


Senior Member
You may want to watch this.

And then bite the (non-lead) bullet and get that amalgam out. You'll be wasting your money chelating until you get rid of it.


A New Day, Every Day!
Mid Atlantic area, USA
I started taking liquid zeolite about 4 days ago. I like it--there is no question that it has a fairly powerful effect on the human body and I suspect there is a good deal of truth to the detoxification it causes. As usual, I firmly believe that most "dosage" that is generally advertised is too much, so I have cut the dosage at least by half. I now take it 2X a day, and only 3 drops. So far, this feels totally right for me. I began looking into this because I realized that my overall decline in resistance seems to have coincided with a cracked dental bridge (not cosmetic, so I left it as it was) which always tastes like metal when I run my tongue near it. It occurred to me that this may be slowly causing an insidious toxic build up while--at the same time--I am becoming less and less able to resist. I think I'm right and I now believe in these theories of dental metal toxicity. I'll post again, probably every 2 weeks. But my message here is that the dosage is critical, and it's very easy to overdose on any natural (or pharmacological) supplement. I believe that even a good thing can hurt us and cause a reverse effect if overused. Easy does it! I'll be back.


Senior Member
Washington , DC area
I started taking liquid zeolite about 4 days ago. I like it--there is no question that it has a fairly powerful effect on the human body and I suspect there is a good deal of truth to the detoxification it causes. As usual, I firmly believe that most "dosage" that is generally advertised is too much, so I have cut the dosage at least by half. I now take it 2X a day, and only 3 drops. So far, this feels totally right for me. I began looking into this because I realized that my overall decline in resistance seems to have coincided with a cracked dental bridge (not cosmetic, so I left it as it was) which always tastes like metal when I run my tongue near it. It occurred to me that this may be slowly causing an insidious toxic build up while--at the same time--I am becoming less and less able to resist. I think I'm right and I now believe in these theories of dental metal toxicity. I'll post again, probably every 2 weeks. But my message here is that the dosage is critical, and it's very easy to overdose on any natural (or pharmacological) supplement. I believe that even a good thing can hurt us and cause a reverse effect if overused. Easy does it! I'll be back.
I have been using zeolite also and, though I'm not sure if it is helping, at least I don't get the stomach problems I get with chlorella. However, I think it is staining my teeth even though I try to brush them after taking.


Senior Member
I think the most important thing to do is to get to a good environment, in terms of both inside air (especially with regard to mold toxins) and in terms of outside air. Based on my own experiences and those I have seen, the bodies of people with this illness do not let go of toxins easily in a bad place.

I have had the most success with coffee enemas (up to five a day) and EDTA chelation suppositories (e.g. Medicardium). Cholestyramine was helpful, but only after I got to an extremely good place. ALA seemed somewhat helpful. Large amounts of Buffered Vitamin C also has seemed a good thing.

I'm interested in that QuickSilver IMD and am thinking about trying that soon.
