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Sleep Study. Do results confirm cfs/fibro?

North Carolina
New Sleep Study Results.

I am 6'3" 234 lbs, fatigued or extremely tired all the time, have had high blood pressure since age 19, now 49. I addition to the pain I feel all the time, I have Crohn's, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, anxiety, fibro and depression. I take prescribed meds for all of these issues.

Results of sleep study, or polysomnogram.

Sleep onset was long being 39 1/2 minutes. Patient entered REM sleep late in the night after 306 minutes of sleep onset. He slept for 5 hours and 6 minutes and recording time was 6 hours and 21 minutes with a sleep efficiency of 80% of total in bed time. His sleep effiency was moderately reduced.

Patient slept in supine position mostly.

Stage I sleep was normal at 8%
Stage II sleep was increased at 64%
Stage delta sleep normal at 17%
Stage REM sleep was decreased at 11%of total in bed time.
The patient also had 75 minutes of wakefulness after sleep onset

The patient overall had no evidence of significant obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with an apnea/hyponea index was normal at 3.1/hour. T total of 15 hyponeas and 1 apnea was recorded.
On the oximetry channel, he was less than 90% for nearly 115 minutes, with the lowest oxygen sat being at 71%


1 No evidence of sleep apnea
2 Difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep with frequent awakenings.
3 Moderate to severe nocturnal Hypoxemia.


1 Cardiopulmonary disease needs to be ruled out.
2 Overnight oximetry to see if patient needs oxygen.

Does this test indicate fibro or cfs to anyone?
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Senior Member
1 No evidence of sleep apnea
2 Difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep with frequent awakenings.
3 Moderate to severe nocturnal Hypoxemia.
1 Cardiopulmonary disease needs to be ruled out.
2 Overnight oximetry to see if patient needs oxygen.
Does this test indicate fibro or cfs to anyone?

There is no biomarker, much less a sleep-related biomarker for ME/CFS. However, difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep is common in ME/CFS. I believe that nocturnal hypoxemia is also more common in ME/CFS than in the general population.

As far as I know, there's no one solution for these problems in ME/CFS. You can take a look at the ME/CFS Primer for Clinical Practitioners (specifically pages 18-19) for some suitable treatments for sleep problems in ME/CFS patients.

For me, trazodone has been terrific. I went from waking 5-6 times a night to sleeping through 8-10 hrs. I felt MUCH better just getting decent sleep. Unfortunately, other people have a terrible time with trazodone, so it's far from the perfect med for all ME/CFS patients.

Based on your sleep report you should be getting a referral to cardiology. You might want to consider reading up on low blood volume and orthostatic intolerance (OI) as both a fairly common in ME/CFS. You might want cardiology to check you for those when you see them. You can find info about that in the ME/CFS Primer as well.
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North Carolina
Thank you for your info, and caring enough to take time to post. Funny, right before the sleep study, I told my heart dr I always felt like I could not get a full breath, my chest was tight, or hurt a little on right side, or felt as if someone was standing on my chest on right side. He ordered a cardiolite test done, before and after running on treadmill.

I was so exhausted, while I walked/ran on the treadmill, before I reached the target heart rate, three people had to put their hands on my back to keep me from being thrown off the treadmill. My left ventricle ejection fraction was 52 that day, as opposed to 74 four years ago. As far as low blood volume, I am supposed to be donating blood on a regular basis because hormone therapy has made my RBC and platelets and hematocrit too high.
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Senior Member
Australia, Melbourne
New Sleep Study Results.

I am 6'3" 234 lbs, fatigued or extremely tired all the time, have had high blood pressure since age 19, now 49. I addition to the pain I feel all the time, I have Crohn's, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, anxiety, fibro and depression. I take prescribed meds for all of these issues.

Results of sleep study, or polysomnogram.

Sleep onset was long being 39 1/2 minutes. Patient entered REM sleep late in the night after 306 minutes of sleep onset. He slept for 5 hours and 6 minutes and recording time was 6 hours and 21 minutes with a sleep efficiency of 80% of total in bed time. His sleep effiency was moderately reduced.

Patient slept in supine position mostly.

Stage I sleep was normal at 8%
Stage II sleep was increased at 64%
Stage delta sleep normal at 17%
Stage REM sleep was decreased at 11%of total in bed time.
The patient also had 75 minutes of wakefulness after sleep onset

The patient overall had no evidence of significant obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with an apnea/hyponea index was normal at 3.1/hour. T total of 15 hyponeas and 1 apnea was recorded.
On the oximetry channel, he was less than 90% for nearly 115 minutes, with the lowest oxygen sat being at 71%


1 No evidence of sleep apnea
2 Difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep with frequent awakenings.
3 Moderate to severe nocturnal Hypoxemia.


1 Cardiopulmonary disease needs to be ruled out.
2 Overnight oximetry to see if patient needs oxygen.

Does this test indicate fibro or cfs to anyone?

another possible causse of sleep issues is the excess adrenaline those of up with OI/ POTs can secrete
in order to vasoconstrict when upright
