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ME CFS conference in New York 20th November 2013 relating to treatment .


Senior Member
Nancy Klimas, Dan Peterson, Eric Schadt, Judy Mikovits and Derek Enlander will speak
Dr Enlander will chair the meeting at Mount Sinai in New York
Great! Are there any details as to what time and which building?


Senior Member
Sounds great! Wish I could be there! wish I could write about it too, but I'm too ill lately. Hopefully someone else will report on it for those of us who can't attend.


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
Dr. Enlander, we have been working with a clinician in Birmingham, Alabama who wants to start caring for ME/CFS patients. For three months, I have sent her research. She reads it. She asks me questions. I go get the answers, etc. I feel she would be interested in the Nov. 20 workshop and an opportunity to meet the ones you said will be there. Is there any requirements for a clinician to be at the workshop?

Tina Tidmore,
Contracted Communications Consultant,
PANDORA Org, 205-680-6890
This sounds great. I am going to be in NY too late, so sad I will miss it. Perhaps I should instead try to see Dr Enlander. Anyone know how expensive, I am Canadian so will have no medical coverage.


Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
I would love to attend and try to report back here.
I will try to be there, probably with my parents. It will be nice to meet you and hopefully some others from PR, finally. My Mom came back from the last one and asked me if I had heard of Phoenix Rising which one of the patients had recommended. :)

I have emailed the office. It is open for registration. I will post back here with instructions, cost if any, schedule when they get back to me with more details.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
It would be great to have some coverage of this event...if anybody who's attending would like to tweet it for PR, or write up an article, please contact me to discuss the options...

Edit: just noticed Nielk and Gabby's posts, sorry...well anyway, the more the merrier...:)


Senior Member
Nancy Klimas, Dan Peterson, Eric Schadt, Judy Mikovits and Derek Enlander will speak
Dr Enlander will chair the meeting at Mount Sinai in New York

Dear Dr. Enlander,

I was very excited to read about the genome study of ME/CFS patients that you are conducting together with Dr. Eric Schadt. Will there possibly be any results of this study presented in the near future?

Thank you so much for your work for the ME/CFS group.

Best regards



Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
Just got the full info on the conference:

ME CFS Conference 2013
ME CFS Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
New York

November 20th 11am
Academy of Medicine
1215 Fifth Avenue
New York NY
Registration fee : Physicians and Researchers $150
Patients $50

send registration fee to www.paypal.com account denlander@aol.com
signify name(s) of the registrant(s) in the Note section
OR send check to
ME CFS Conference,
c/o Derek Enlander MD,
860 Fifth Avenue
New York NY 10065


11.00 opening Chairman Derek Enlander
11.10 Eric Schadt Genetics The Power of the gene in diagnosis and treatment
11.45 questions
11.50 Dan Peterson, Simmaron Foundation, Reno , Nevada New approaches in ME CFS Therapy
12..25 questions
12.30 Lunch
1.15 Judy Mikovits Virology ... Faux Pas and New Concepts
1.40 questions
1.45 Derek Enlander Diagnosis & Therapy from Ramsey 1955 to VanKonynenberg Methylation cycle 2011 to Mello and Retuximab 2013
2.25 questions
2.30 Nancy Klimas, Institute for Neuroimmune Research, Nova Southeastern, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl New Thoughts on Immunology in ME CFS
3.10 questions
3.15 Panel discussion.... all speakers plus Christian Becker(Sinai PEM Study) and Frank Rusetti (NIH)
3.55 sum up Derek Enlander
4.00 conference end


Senior Member
Can anyone comment more on this conference? I am interested in going if I can make the trip work (or maybe sending a family member). Is it worthwhile for patients? Is there a link to the talks from last year?


Senior Member
It would be great to have some coverage of this event...if anybody who's attending would like to tweet it for PR, or write up an article, please contact me to discuss the options...

Edit: just noticed Nielk and Gabby's posts, sorry...well anyway, the more the merrier...:)

I'm sorry but, due to unforeseen circumstances, I will not be able to attend. I hope others will be there to report.


Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
Can anyone comment more on this conference? I am interested in going if I can make the trip work (or maybe sending a family member). Is it worthwhile for patients? Is there a link to the talks from last year?

I think the reaction a couple of years ago was positive, then again it was free. He was selling the dvd-roms for $20, but I don't think he posted any online. Don't know if anyone else did. btw it was on the same date, 11/20/2011 if you want to search