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23andme, holistic heal or full genome?


Senior Member
Apparently it is possible to get the full genome sequenced for $3000-$6000. I have not yet looked into the quality of this but if true, would this be better than the 23andme or the yasko gets?


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
would this be better than the 23andme or the yasko gets?
I think that depends on how much pain your pocketbook can stand, and what you really want to know.

I did (prices approximate)
23andMe $107 with shipping (over 107,000 960,000 base pairs) [Edit per Valentijn's correction]
Sulfite/sulfate test strips $70 with shipping (doesn't look like a SUOX problem to me!)
Genetic Genie $20 donation (methylation and detox both) - although I'd already done the methylation by hand
Promethease $20? (I would do again, as I found which OTC drugs & caffeine raise my cardiac risk - good info!)
Total: a bit over $200.

What is it I'd like to know that I don't? I have risk alleles, single or double, in every step of the folate cycle plus NOS3, MAO A, BHMT, and VDR Bsm, and tested low for tryptophan and methionine in the last blood test. Even if my poor enzymes are limping along, they need substrate. I think I'd spend my remaining $2800-$5800 on supplements, trying to push things in the right direction. By the time I get this straightened out, if I need more data, I'd consider it, but I have plenty to work with. And by then, another $99 to 23andMe might get me what I want, as they keep expanding.

I found that it's not the data that's in short supply, it's the understanding of what to do with it. Many of the base pairs that have been identified, even when I'm in the minority, nobody knows what that means. This site has been the most helpful of anything, even with some differing opinions held by very senior people here, of trying to make sense of the data I do have. I don't find more data desirable, particularly at that price.


Senior Member
Actually 23andMe gives about 960,000 results :p

I'd stay away from the Yasko test - way too expensive, and many of the SNPs tested have no known impact upon gene function.

Whole genome sequencing would be awesome (there are some useful SNPs which 23andMe misses). If money were really no object, I'd go for that. But otherwise, 23andMe is a great alternative.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
Hi Critterina, thanks for the reply. Have you had any success in treating these findings?
I've only had the results for less than 3 weeks, test strips less than that, during which time I was on a protocol leading to blood tests, so I didn't want to change it. For the 12 days or so that I've been able to experiment, yes, I've had some success, but not overwhelming to date.