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MEA Ramsay Research Fund to pay for new study into post-exertional malaise


Senior Member
It does indeed. But I'm a bit concerned about this person being involved.

From Medical Hypotheses, 15 July 2013.
Allostatic overload in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Megan Anne Arroll (drarroll@theoptimumhealthclinic.com)
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating condition characterised by diverse symptoms such as fatigue, pain, sleep disturbance and autonomic dysfunction.
There remains to be a singular biomarker identified for this illness, hence numerous theories about its development and perpetuation have been posited in the literature.
This brief report presents the model of ‘allostasis’ as a framework for understanding ME/CFS, specifically the notion that the physiological mechanisms employed in the body to deal with stress termed here as ‘allostatic states’ (e.g. elevation of inflammatory cytokines), may in and of themselves contribute to the perpetuation of the disorder.
This theoretical assertion has important consequences for the understanding of ME/CFS and treatment; rather than searching for a singular pathogen responsible for this condition, ME/CFS can be conceptualised as a maladaptive stress disorder and interventions aimed at addressing the allostatic states may be incorporated into current symptom management programmes.
From the British Journal of Health Psychology, September 2013 (first published online on 19 September 2012).


Senior Member
That's where I found it (this week's friday round up of the latest publications) along with the good news about the PEM research.
I just noticed the same name appearing in both, with the disheartening news that she seems to be one of those clinging grimly to the (bio)psychosocial theoretical god.


Senior Member
East Coast USA

Good news! Drs. Bansal & Ford broadening PEM/PENE research to include immune factors.

Along those lines & Simon's recent PR article about expanding research, Neil Walsh's "Exercise Immunology" work at Bangor University, UK could inform ME/CFS researchers.

He studies exercise-induced immunodepression (T-cells, B-cells, NK cells, pro/anti inflammatory cytokines, etc.)
in elite athletes & healthy military personnel that leads to infections. He's identified lifestyle, nutritional & training countermeasures.

The abstracts are a bit long but Jennie Spotila & others might take a look. My thought is comparing ME/CFS exercise-induced immune dysfunction to Walsh's data on healthy controls could advance our understanding of PEM/PENE.

Position Statement. Part One: Immune function and exercise, Walsh NP et al, 2011


Position Statement. Part Two: Maintaining immune health, Walsh NP et al, 2011



Senior Member
East Coast USA
Position Statement. Part One: Immune function and exercise, Walsh NP et al, 2011

Position Statement. Part Two: Maintaining immune health, Walsh NP et al, 2011

Articles are Free, Open Access. Should have posted that sooner, sorry. Warning, though, they're long, am reading little by little...

Relevant points so far. In the extremely healthy & fit individuals tested, exercise induces--

1. A decrease in NK cell number & function. Quote, bold mine: "There is a vast literature on the acute effects of exercise on circulating NK cells, perhaps because of the ease of study & large magnitude of change in response to exercise."

2. A drop in T-cells & B-cells during & immediately after exercise.

3. A 24-hr post exercise window of immune suppression with data collected out 72 hrs.

4. An alteration of pro/anti inflammatory cytokine balance.

5. Cytokine gene expression of proinflammatory IL-6 associated with frequent infections.

6. Infections & EBV reactivation. Table on p. 13 first article lists many pathogens associated with exercise.

A world-wide consensus committee from: UK, US, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania & Monaco wrote the articles.

Institutions represented:
Bangor Univ, Loughborough Univ, UK;
Univ Illinois, Univ Colorado, Penn State, Stanford Univ, Appalachian State Univ, US;
Univ Toronto, Univ Waterloo, Canada;
Univ Newcastle, Australian Institute of Sport, Australia;
Univ Copenhagen, Denmark;
Univ Tuebingen, Univ Mainz, Germany;
Kaunas Univ of Medicine, Lithuania;
Monaco Institute of Sports Medicine & Surgery, Monaco.

Perhaps there are opportunities for patients to proactively reach out to these institutions & interest them in studying exercise-induced immune dysfunction in ME/CFS? Maybe Mark's recently posted collaboration could be a model.