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In Memory of Rich Van Konynenburg.


Senior Member
Some sad news from Rich Van Konynenburg's wife

Dear group members.

This post is from Rich's wife. There is no easy way to say this, and this message is very difficult for me to write.

Rich died early this morning. It appears that he suffered a massive heart attack in his sleep. He did not have a history of heart disease, so this was sudden and quite unexpected. It doesn't seem possible to me that Rich is gone. I am at a loss to express how profoundly I will miss him (I already do!).

I am trying to figure out how to begin notifying everyone who will want to know. Please feel free to repost this message on any forum or group where people who interacted with Rich will want to know of his passing.

Diana Van Konynenburg

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Senior Member
I am completely stunned by this tragic news. Rich was an incredibly generous person with his time and knowledge, and he selflessly helped many people. The ME/CFS community is going to miss him deeply.

I am extremely sorry for your loss.


Senior Member
I lost my beloved husband 2 years ago in the same way, Diana. I feel so deeply for you now. Please take care and know your husband was hugely admired and respected and this is a huge loss for us as well.:hug:
I am so sorry. I am saddened to tears.

Rich was so generous with his help - and had helped me so very much!

Our community had the greatest respect for his tireless efforts to find a cause and stop the suffering.

He helped so many of us and he educated so many doctors providing them with new treatment options.

His brilliant mind, generosity of spirit and kindness will be deeply missed.

God Bless,



Senior Member
Oh no. Rich was an incredible man. He helped me and so many patients. Such a gentleman in every sense of the word. Always so patient with us and with a brilliant mind. Thats a combination rarely found.

So very sorry Diana to hear that he has passed away. So kind of you to let us know. He must have been a wonderful husband and my thoughts are with you at this tragic and painful time.

My deepest sympathies to you and the family.


Senior Member
What terrible news! He was such a wonderful man, so kind and caring. He is a terrible to loss to us all.

I send you gentle hugs from across the Atlantic, Diana.I am so very, very sorry.

God Bless,

Thinking of you,



Senior Member
Rich was patient, humble, approachable, and brilliant. I am sitting here crying. We will really miss him. He is leaving behind a sound legacy for all ME/CFS patients.

Thank you for letting us know, as hard as that had to be for you to do so.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
I am very sorry to read this, and my heart goes out to you Diana and everyone else who came to know his deep concern for others. I have exchanged hundreds of emails with Rich over the years, we first began debating the science in around 2000. I have watched him spend year after year working toward helping sick people like me by advancing our knowledge. He will be missed by thousands.

With Great Sympathy, Alex Young


Senior Member
Diana - Thank you for your strength and grace in reaching out to share this very sad news with all of us. Rich was a very, very special man. Please know that you are not alone in this time of sorrow and you have so many people around the world sending their love and prayers to you.


Senior Member
Dear Diana, My deepest sympathies for your sudden loss. Rich was very unique in his willingness to think creatively about the disease that so many of us suffer from on a daily, if not hourly, basis. He knew we are suffering and his willingness to communicate directly with patients and to repeatedly and patiently listen to our suggestions and to respond with grace to a never ending stream of questions set him aside as a true friend and advocate of the ME/CFS community.

Thank you for sharing him with us. He will be deeply missed.

You are in our thoughts and in our hearts.



Senior Member
What very sad news to hear - Rich has been such a great a help to the ME community in understanding the underlying mechanisms, sharing his knowledge and always ready to explain and aid those here. He will be missed. My sympathies to Diana at this awful time.


Senior Member
Dear Diana I am so shocked and saddened to read this post this morning . Rich tried to help so many and even though I didnt always understand the science I often read his posts with great interest . I know the pain of loosing a loved one so suddenly my heart goes out to you . I also want to thankyou for thinking of the community and letting us know when you yourself will be in great shock .

My love and best wishes to you , your family and all of Rich's friends at this time . If there is anything the community can do at this time just ask . RIP Rich you are a huge loss to the community and will be sadly missed by many around the world .

kind regards Polly x