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The Autism Enigma - ABC Four Corners


Senior Member
Here is an interesting TED Talk about autism and other developmental disorders in chidlren.

The speaker is clamining that while only way that autism is diagnosed today is by observing child's behavior, we should look into the source of these disorders - the brain. Once she applied special technique EEG, researched showed that 50% of children that were diagnosed with autism actually have sezuires that are invisble to naked eye. More importantly, these seizures are easily treatable.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
The thing about this documentary is it shows that in some pwa (people with autism) antibiotics reverse symptoms, and also that proprionic acid that is made from some gut bacteria induce similar behaviour in rats. Bye, Alex

Glynis Steele

Senior Member
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
The thing about this documentary is it shows that in some pwa (people with autism) antibiotics reverse symptoms, and also that proprionic acid that is made from some gut bacteria induce similar behaviour in rats. Bye, Alex

Hi Alex,

This study below was done 12 years ago, regarding gut bacteria and abx/autism. Guess how many follow up studies have been done since this one, 12 years ago? You'd think that a treatment that reversed some autistic traits would be pounced upon. Not!

Short-term benefit from oral vancomycin treatment of regressive-onset autism.

Sandler RH, Finegold SM, Bolte ER, Buchanan CP, Maxwell AP, Väisänen ML, Nelson MN, Wexler HM.

Section of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Rush Children's Hospital, Rush Medical College, Chicago, IL 60612, USA. rushstudy@aol.com

In most cases symptoms of autism begin in early infancy. However, a subset of children appears to develop normally until a clear deterioration is observed. Many parents of children with "regressive"-onset autism have noted antecedent antibiotic exposure followed by chronic diarrhea. We speculated that, in a subgroup of children, disruption of indigenous gut flora might promote colonization by one or more neurotoxin-producing bacteria, contributing, at least in part, to their autistic symptomatology. To help test this hypothesis, 11 children with regressive-onset autism were recruited for an intervention trial using a minimally absorbed oral antibiotic. Entry criteria included antecedent broad-spectrum antimicrobial exposure followed by chronic persistent diarrhea, deterioration of previously acquired skills, and then autistic features. Short-term improvement was noted using multiple pre- and post-therapy evaluations. These included coded, paired videotapes scored by a clinical psychologist blinded to treatment status; these noted improvement in 8 of 10 children studied. Unfortunately, these gains had largely waned at follow-up. Although the protocol used is not suggested as useful therapy, these results indicate that a possible gut flora-brain connection warrants further investigation, as it might lead to greater pathophysiologic insight and meaningful prevention or treatment in a subset of children with autism.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Here is the problem we face. We presume that somebody will fix things. But who? Not drug companies - they want new drugs, and there are almost no new antibiotics. So there is no profit, so they wont do so. They wont do basic research either, for the same reasons.

Not government. Since the 80s governments around the world have systematically stripped money from scientific research. The free market will do it! The problem is the free market will only do things that make money, and only if the investment outlay is acceptable.The other thing is accountability ... research wont get approved it it cant offer immediate results. They want results ... pure research, what for?

Japan is one of the few countries bucking this trend.

As to the small academic studies, they are underfunded and sporadic.

That leaves private research institutes. They try, but they are underfunded.

It takes community leadership to change these things - and by community I mean the broader community mostly.

Bye, Alex

Glynis Steele

Senior Member
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
One abx treatment trial is taking place now in France - see this TV report Treating Autism with Antibiotics


Thanks it's good to know that at last there is another study taking place. I wonder when the study results will be released. Our GI has scoffed at this notion for years, and I will take great pleasure in presenting her with these results, if they are positive. Also our paed who reckons he is an expert on autism and has a clinic for autistic patients. Expert my ass! (wanted to post the english version of ass here, but don't want to offend) ;)