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Question about parasites?


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
First off, I want to say I don't know if I have an issue with parasites. I have not ever been tested for them, but the more I read the more I understand that many people can have them and not know it. I figure it could not hurt to try a more intensive regimen to get rid of those critters and that is what I have been doing of late.

A few weeks ago I started on a regimen of the wormwood/green black walnut/clove combo and stayed on that for a couple weeks. The only symptoms I had was some fleeting moments of feeling some nausea without getting sick. No other symptoms. That led me to think that maybe I have some and I started killing some off so I decided to go the more intensive route with being on mimosa pudica for the last week. I started out slow the first day like the Klinghardt protocol suggested but I felt nothing..no symptoms at all. So I decided right from the second day to just give myself a dose of it daily. Been doing this now for almost a week and still no symptoms whatsoever.

My question is..are these non symptoms I'm having letting me know I don't have an issue with parasites or does it take some time, and it might sneak up on me and I'll be hit by a ton of bricks one of these days soon by having more major herx symptoms if in fact I do have more critters that need to be killed off?

Also, the same time that I started with the mimosa pudica, I started drinking Cistus tea to help combat biofilm. Within the last 3 days I've also added in Diatomaceous Earth because I figure it would not hurt to work on my internal plumbing. I know DE too can help get rid of parasites. No symptoms yet from doing all 3 of these.


Senior Member
Manchester UK
Rand, I really dont know the answer to that, and I applaud your throughness. I do have parasites, blastocytosis (diag via stool test, amazing what goes through the mail really...) and protomyzoa, and I still cant tell what symptoms are from them or anything else. I would use caution though - wormwood I have always understood is a neurotoxin, so I dont know if I take it unless I had proven to myself I needed to.
Good luck


Senior Member
That led me to think that maybe I have some and I started killing some off so I decided to go the more intensive route with being on mimosa pudica for the last week. I started out slow the first day like the Klinghardt protocol suggested but I felt nothing..no symptoms at all.

Hi Rand,
where did you get your Mimosa from? can you expand on the protocol you're doing?


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
Rand, I really dont know the answer to that, and I applaud your throughness. I do have parasites, blastocytosis (diag via stool test, amazing what goes through the mail really...) and protomyzoa, and I still cant tell what symptoms are from them or anything else. I would use caution though - wormwood I have always understood is a neurotoxin, so I dont know if I take it unless I had proven to myself I needed to.
Good luck

hi sian

Yes I have also heard about wormwood can be a neurotoxin, which is why I guess they tell you to take breaks from taking it. Since I've read that the mimosa is the real deal as being powerful stuff, I figure I don't need to do the wormwood anymore.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
Hi Rand,
where did you get your Mimosa from? can you expand on the protocol you're doing?

hi xrunner

I got the mimosa pudica from Biopure. I was really unsure it was going to be available because from reading from other threads about it, I guess it had been out of stock for sometime but I gave it a whirl and walla!!..it was available. Not cheap stuff though.....


I'm up to 3/4 of a teaspoon daily of the mimosa pudica. Today is the first day I've worked up to 1 tablespoon of the DE. The Cistus tea for the most part I just drink one cup a day..some days 2. Got it from Biopure as well and this isn't cheap either....


If you do any of this, If I were you I'd go slow, particularly with the MP and the DE. I've always never been one to be patient with amounts on stuff. If I feel no symptoms, I immediately bump myself up but I'm not recommending to do this. I learned about the mimosa pudica from this site and from reading another thread on here. Apparently it is 30 times stronger than any drug. Also it says the Cistus is the best biofilm buster. They also give you the amount to start off with on the MP on this site too...



Senior Member
Before you go parasite hunting you should specify what parasites you think you have. Worms? Many people have had worms at one point in their lifetime. Usually kids get them because their digestive system and immune systems are not strong. These parasites IMO are symptoms of an underlying dysregulation in the neuro endocrine immune system.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
Just a bit of an update. Yesterday I upped my daily dosage on both the MP and the DE. Felt no change during the day but before I went to bed had a pretty bad headache. I only get headaches on occasion and none are migraine intense. Woke up in the middle of the night with still having a headache, and also felt some milder flu type symtoms, felt warm and feverish with feeling some nausea. I thought it was going to get worse and I'd eventually toss cookies but I didn't. It subsided. So I still don't think I am out of the woods with escaping any Herx reactions. I'm actually expecting more as I go because of the symptoms I had last night.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
Before you go parasite hunting you should specify what parasites you think you have. Worms? Many people have had worms at one point in their lifetime. Usually kids get them because their digestive system and immune systems are not strong. These parasites IMO are symptoms of an underlying dysregulation in the neuro endocrine immune system.

hi xks

Do you know if MP is not effective against certain types of worms? Like I said, I don't know if I have parasites or not since I have never been tested, and right now do not want to have the additional expense to find out. Figure I'd just try a more comprehensive approach to try to get rid of them if in fact I do have parasites, and I would expect many people have them without realizing they have them.


Senior Member
I'm not sure what to make of you lack of reaction to your initial treatments.

But just to compare .. I'm positive for parasites
via metamatrix and am having a reaction to my protocal. I've been on this for two weeks now. I started out with papaya seeds + honey and didn't feel anything.

So I added teas made of pau d'arco and olive leaf and had vertigo and headaches. That lasted about 3 days so I backed off.

I then added wormwood tea. More headaches, severe sweats, loose stools, etc. I added Himalayan
livercare and the head symptoms stopped. I also added azo with probiotics for urinary symptoms.

So I'm now using all of the above treatments and have increased my dose of each to twice daily. My head is clearer and I feel a little stronger. I switched from papaya seeds and honey to papaya seeds + papapya fruit + flax.

So based on my experience alone, your lack of a reaction makes me think that you don't have these. Or your
body is stronger than mine so you can handle the die-off. Or you were already supporting your liver.

Tc .. X


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
hi xchocoholic

I don't know if you read my latest post above, but I could have started having more of a reaction last night. Guess that really doesn't prove that I have parasites, and it could have been some normal detoxing from the DE for all I know. The reason I wanted to atleast give this newer protocol a try is because prior to this when I did the wormwood/green black walnut/clove combo, I did have some fleeting moments of nausea. Guess that doesn't really prove either I have parasites and possibly my stomach just did not agree with that combo..I don't know. The difference in the reaction I had last night is I felt feverish, whereas when I did the wormwood combo before, I didn't feel feverish..just somewhat nautious without getting sick. I only did the wormwood combo for 2 weeks prior to me doing this newer approach.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
hi xchocoholic

You gave me an idea too about supporting my liver. I have both tried in the past Himalayan Liv-52 DS and Chinese Bitters liquid. Any idea on which one would be better?


Senior Member
I totally agree. Looking at a reaction to a supplement or protocal as proof of parasites is tricky. But I've felt feverish and nauseas too on this. My stools aren't that different than before because I moslty eat raw veggies.

Fwiw, I'm afraid to take DE because I have lung scarring and I'm clutsy enough to breath it in .. Lol ..

I've only taken the Himalaya liver care so I don't know which is better. I've been on this one off
and on over the last 5 years with success so haven't experimented with others. Imho, I really missed the boat by ignoring my liver on other protocals.

Tc .. X


Senior Member
Before you go parasite hunting you should specify what parasites you think you have. Worms? Many people have had worms at one point in their lifetime. Usually kids get them because their digestive system and immune systems are not strong. These parasites IMO are symptoms of an underlying dysregulation in the neuro endocrine immune system.
It's unlikely that worms in the gut cause ME-like symptoms.
It's more systemic type of parasites that spread anywhere in the body also causing neuro endocrine immune dysregulation. And not the other way round. Once you get rid of the parasites all comes back naturally into balance.
Parasites are more evolved and sophisticated than any virus or bacteria but also more difficult to eliminate.


Senior Member
My question is..are these non symptoms I'm having letting me know I don't have an issue with parasites or does it take some time, and it might sneak up on me and I'll be hit by a ton of bricks one of these days soon by having more major herx symptoms if in fact I do have more critters that need to be killed off?

It usually takes only a few days if you hit them with the right weapons. You'll know for sure if you do. I tried different herbal remedies (although not the ones you mentioned) but they were not effective.