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Proton pump inhibitors for Gastritis


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Hi all, after weeks of unbearable pain (this time around - its been on and off for months if not years) i finally gave in and went to see my GP this afternoon. I had to get an emergency appointment. The upper abdominal pain, nausea etc was really getting me down.

The doctor suggests inflammation of the stomach caused either by my steroid inhalor for lungs, or H Pylori. He prescribed omeprazole for 3 weeks to see if it calmed things down and give the stomach a chance to heal. If it comes back or doesnt work i'm to go back for a blood test for H Pylori. This is despite me telling him it has been coming and going for months and months.

I'm sure iv'e read that PPI'S are not good for you - apart from all the sucrose and dye they contain, but i am desperate to try anyhting and so have taken one. Apparently a common side effect is dizziness - i already have enough of that!

What is worrying me the most though is that my husband also has been having the same issues for the past few months (at least) feeling constantly sick and with stomach pain. I'm convinced that whatever is causing mine is causing his as well and that he has caught it from me. I did tell the doctor this and he looked interested by it, but still didn't order the test.

Wiped out now and back in bed - havent had to spend a whole day in bed for a while, but ive finally had to give in and admit i feel terrible. If only i could get on top of this stomach stuff i feel like i could see where my health is at - after all it was improving, but now i just cant tell anymore.

All the best, Justy.


San Francisco
I also would like to caution on this, of course you can always give this a try for a short period, but I would stay away from PPIs unless you have a confirmed and severe problem with too much stomach acid possibly also scarring the esophagus. When I had gut trouble (thought to be gastritis) back then 3 weeks of omeprazole made everything worse and also caused an overgrow of candida. I likely never had high stomach acid in the first place and eventually fixed my gut to 80% with totally different remedies. If you must reduce acid I think h2 blockers are a gentler approach.


San Francisco
As an alternative - if available where you are - you can try pepto-bismol (pink syrup/gel) which is an OTC here in the US and has stomach calming (lining) and mild antibacterial qualities.


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Well ive taken one for now, and will give it a go for a week - i'm so desperate and part of the problem is not being well enough to go out and see doctors or get to chemists etc. We also live in a very rural remote place and my husband is my only helper in all this - not easy!

I am concerned about the possible effects of the PPI - especially candida as ive had a big problem with this before.Also concerned because i always thought i had low stomach acid - the GP isnt worried about this he says my stomach just needs a rest.

I agree - testing now, but i have to wait at least a week - and even then can only be tested if i still have the same stomach problem. Lets just say i might have to still have it next week and demand the test otherwise we will never get this sorted out.

Was planning on getting the metametrix gut test soon - will the PPI's skew the result? (i dont intend taking them for long so...)

Thanks for the replies!


ME/cfs 1986
Well ive taken one for now, and will give it a go for a week - i'm so desperate and part of the problem is not being well enough to go out and see doctors or get to chemists etc. We also live in a very rural remote place and my husband is my only helper in all this - not easy!

I am concerned about the possible effects of the PPI - especially candida as ive had a big problem with this before.Also concerned because i always thought i had low stomach acid - the GP isnt worried about this he says my stomach just needs a rest.

I agree - testing now, but i have to wait at least a week - and even then can only be tested if i still have the same stomach problem. Lets just say i might have to still have it next week and demand the test otherwise we will never get this sorted out.

Was planning on getting the metametrix gut test soon - will the PPI's skew the result? (i dont intend taking them for long so...)

Thanks for the replies!

PPIs can take awhile to fully kick in. I have been on long term. ( I've had many tests w/ many GI specialists )Every time I stop them my stomach gets much worse. It takes at least 2 weeks for my symptoms to get back under control once they flare up off the med. A one week trial may not be long enough to know if they work for you

That said....... seems like the dr. should be doing more than throwing meds at you w/o knowing what is wrong. I don't know about the metametrix tests you are planning to have, but scopes/biopsies can be skewed by meds and you usually have to go off them for a bit before a test.


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
I have tried Pariet & Nexium at different times and had adverse reactions to both. They actually caused me stomach pain. I suspect that I am reacting to the "azo" component.
I get re-current non-specific atrophic gastritis. Biopsies & blood tests are negative for H. pylori. I have to avoid aspirin & other NSAIDs, prednisone, chocolate, manganese supplements....
I have found Gaviscon soothing for occasional use. Prefer not to use Zantac...but I tolerated it.
I've had a number of gastroscopies to sort this out. Hope they will do more tests for you Justy, seems like you've put up with it long enough...all the best...


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Thanks everyone for their kind words and support. Was able to drink a cup of tea this morning without too much pain.:)

But now an hour after eating its worse again.

Im also in a bad crash that keeps getting worse. I had had such an improvement in my health the last 6 months and really felt i was getting somewhere. Now nearly back at square one, only this time rather than lung infections its my stomach.
We are supposed to be visiting relatives this week in London and have tickets for the Harry Potter studio tour. I HAVE to go with them, but i feel so sick now, all M.E symptoms worse again. I feel so utterly disheartened.:ill:

Heres hoping we ALL get some answers soon - they can't come quick enough.


Senior Member
I've been on omeprazole fairly long term, 6 mos, at least. I'm down now to 10mg every other day, seems to be keeping things at bay. Things to watch out for are decreased absorption of b-12 - mine got really low until I started supplementing w/sublinguals - as well as possibly decreased calcium absorption.

Otherwise, I have to say I haven't noticed any long term negative effects at all. I avoid the dyes by opening the caps and just taking the little "beads" inside, and I haven't really had a problem yet - until I try to go off them!

If you are dealing with other major crash issues, though, taking one less thing off your plate can help. The gastritis pain is severe and can really take you down, not just psychologically, but from the pain increasing cortisol output, etc. which can drain you worse right when you're trying to recover. From cost/reward analysis standpoint, I would just take the omeprazole short term until I was improved from the crash, and then deal with it then.

Definitely get checked for H.Pylori, though. Check your diet, too. Avoid anything acidic or irritating for a while. I get bad symptoms even from taking sprouts, I guess from the enzymes, as well as any herb in an alcohol tincture. So you really have to take everything you eat/consume into consideration and go back to basics for a while.


Doing Well
((HUGS)) Justy, you really must feel like the wind has been knocked out of your sails, hang in there :hug:

I have been on Nexium since I had a Gastropy 7 years ago, my ME/CFS relapses & remits either way. I haven't had any dizziness that can be attributed to Nexium.

It was suggested a while ago that I stop them & give Betaine- HCl a go which I did. My stomach burnt for a week, so I am sure it is excess acid & I need a PPI. Over the counter products do squat when you have a volcano brewing in your gut :ill:.

I find the same as Beaker, it can take 1-2 weeks for things to settle down. And I agree, your doctor needs to order some tests or refer you on.

It is correct that PPI's can decrease B12 absorption, I think they may also interact somehow with Magnesium but my memory is foggy on that one o_O. I take them several hours apart.


Senior Member
I was prescribed 40 mg omeprazole per day (20 in the morning and 20 in the evening), while I discovered even 10 mg daily are strong for me (but there are no pills with dose lower than 10 mg, I think). So be careful. Also know that the diet is just as important as the ppi-s , in my case I can say it's even more important. I only eat a few things - chicken meat (without the skin!), boiled potatoes, bananas, carrot juice and olive oil. Of course if they find h. pilory you'll also need antibiotic but remember to do the diet strictly!


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Thanks for all the helpful replies. My stromach is already settling after only two days - hurray! BUT (alwys a bloody but with this disease) i am tired as hell - and got a bit confused yesterday night for a while, plus some lightheadedness (extra to normal) feeling a bit low too - but that could just be feeling worse.

I do tend to be sensitive to meds and feel not right in other ways, but i guess i need to do it for a while and just suck up the side effects - as it does seem to be helping.

I am mainly eating only things i feel like - strangely cant touch salad - but steamed carrots and peas, boiled potatoes and poached salmon go down nicely - but cant afford to eat that every day. Still i am so gald i didnt take the betaine HCL instead (i thought i had low stomach acid) that really would have been awful.

Im going to be away for the rest of this week, so my plan is to carry on with them for a couple of weeks (if side effects allow) and then go to GP following week and say i need to have some tests NOW!

Plan B is if side effects get worse to stop and try slippery elm and anyhting else natural that anyone can recommend? How about taking one every other day? would that still work? or i guess i could empty the capsule out and take half? Anyone know how to take it if i did that?

Sorry so many questions still.
Hope YOU are all OK, Justy.xx
PPI's cause farting too. If you have h.pylori you will probably be on Nexium along with antibiotics.

Seems like PPI's are being prescribed for every tummy issue under the sun, instead of being used solely to treat heartburn.

Gastric polyps are also a side-effect from them too, something which was found on my endoscope a few months ago.


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Thanks Foggy for that info. I am taking one every other day as they were wiping me out and making the dizziness worse. This seems to be just enough to keep the gastritis at bay if i only eat very small meals, and avoid lots of foods.

I tried a couple of days without them and got heartburn - which is unusual as i dont normally suffer from this. I'm going to try and get to the GP next week if i can find someone to take me - feeling too ill at the moment with other sympotms to face it this week.



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Finally went to see the GP last thursday - a different one to normal and i didnt mention i have M.E (seem to get better results that way) She did a blood test for H Pylori - she thinks most probable cause - and i am waiting for the results.

She will prescribe antibiotics over the phone as well as suggesting i go back on PPI's - in the end i have started them again - one every other day. My stomach is hiurting all the time - chest pain and stomach pain keeping me up at night for days, so i had to give in and go back on them. They seem to have a tendency to make me more fatigued and all my M.E symptoms have flared up again.

It doesnt seem to make much difference what i eat so long as its not citrus, vinegar, tomatoes or too much fat.
I asked her what we would do if the result was negative ( i pray for a positive result so i can treat it) and she says she will send me for an endoscopy, but she expects my result o be positive - she says she sees it all the time.

Can anyone tell me if H Pylori is contagious? as my husband and daughter are having similar but less severe symptoms.
All the best, Justy x


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Thanks Svet - we have discussed this posibility at home and my husband says he will ask for test, and for daughter if my result is +


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Well. have been on Omeprazole for 5 months now - still no endoscopy, but i finally got a letter to say i had been reffered - could be another 3 months or more.

I have just been on a 7 day course of amoxicillin 500mg 3 x day for mild pneumonia and now my stomach is even more messed up ( i suppose i expected this) but it has made the gastritis worse - am on 20mg 2 x day of PPI - cant go any higher - but the pain and now heartburn - which ive never had before is quite bad. Back to everyhting that i eat hurting - even water. I had thought the PPI's were working, but now i do not know what to do. I have no faith in my Gp surgery, after they missed the pneumonia and sim[ply told me to go to casualty if i felt worse (which i did and they diagnosed me)

just need a rant really. Dont know what to do with myself for the best.:(
Justy x


iherb code TAK122
Justy do you think the PPIs are working for you? don't forget that too low acid can cause the same symptoms as too much.
I don't know whether it is of any help but a friend of mine swears by Actimel - now I can't take it as I don't have dairy but just wondered if it would be worth a try. It is a very mild probiotic. (I mean it has low levels of good bacteria)
She's had major heart surgery this year and her guts were all messed up after being in hospital and on all the meds she was taking. I suggested she try it (she doesn't have ME) and it worked wonders for her.