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Blood Clotting in CFS


Senior Member
I seriously believe that perhaps not the root cause of the majority cases of CFS but an added side effect of infection is abnormally high amounts of blood clotting or decreased amounts of proteins to remove the clots. I have seen people, myself included, flood the body with hormones and get no results.

I always got a boost of energy from ginger. And now I know why. It is a blood thinner. So is turmeric and aspirin obviously. Nattokinase dissolved fibrin clots. People are claiming their blood pressure is normalizing rapidly after taking it.

I do not know exactly what relationship healthy gut flora play in proper blood clotting. That would be an interesting research project. But in any event, I am curious which of you have tried nattokinase and possibly a natural blood thinner. I see profound results in myself with this. Ultimately if nutrients and oxygen are deprived via sludged blood.

Here is one link for anyone interested in more details - chronic fatigue syndrome http://lassesen.com/cfids/familyhistory.htm


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I seriously believe that perhaps not the root cause of the majority cases of CFS but an added side effect of infection is abnormally high amounts of blood clotting or decreased amounts of proteins to remove the clots. I have seen people, myself included, flood the body with hormones and get no results.

I always got a boost of energy from ginger. And now I know why. It is a blood thinner. So is turmeric and aspirin obviously. Nattokinase dissolved fibrin clots. People are claiming their blood pressure is normalizing rapidly after taking it.

I do not know exactly what relationship healthy gut flora play in proper blood clotting. That would be an interesting research project. But in any event, I am curious which of you have tried nattokinase and possibly a natural blood thinner. I see profound results in myself with this. Ultimately if nutrients and oxygen are deprived via sludged blood.

Here is one link for anyone interested in more details - chronic fatigue syndrome http://lassesen.com/cfids/familyhistory.htm

Have you read the articles by David Berg on hypercoagulation in ME/CFS? I don't remember if he goes into gut flora, but it is very interesting.

Probably a good number of us have taken the ISAC test devised by David Berg (Used to be Hemex labs, but they sold to Labcorp--don't know if they changed the name). It measures the various clotting factors likely to be out of range in ME/CFS patients.

I was found to have hypercoag, took heparin injections for 7 months followed by nattokinase--it helped a lot.



Senior Member
Do you still take them or what? No remission now? I will read those articles now.

It really seems to be a vicious cycle... bacteria buildup causing fibrin buildup and clotting abnormalities leading to nutrient and oxygen deprivation...leading to a toxic liver. Reduced blood and nutrient flow leading to endocrine deficiency... It is still my belief that abnormal gut flora is causing all of this. Then the digestive system cannot repair properly due to reduced blood flow. Then enteroviruses take over the intestines. Just one theory.

And it is amazing to me how ginger is probably the best herb a CFS patient could take. Blood thinner, bacteriocidal, antiviral, stimulates the vagus nerve, corrects some serotonin imbalances potentially (through a study I read and will post if anyone wants it).

This also may explain why many CFS patients feel slightly better on strong stimulants like adderall. More blood flow.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Still take natto. I am better with the help of many good treatments, but certainly not well or in remission.



Senior Member
Aldosterone, T4, T3, DHEA, Cortisol, progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen is what I would be most concerned with.


Senior Member
Ema have you tried nattokinase? Did you find lumbrokinase more effective?


Senior Member
This is not new news. The hypercoagulation stuff has been around a long time but sadly no cures for ME patients. I don't respond to asprin, ginger etc. Have tried heparin. The things you mention have all been tried before.

We are all different. Some people respond to some things. Nattokinase and lumbrokinase help some. So many theories around.

If you continue to base your theories on yourself then you will attract a subgroup of similar people who share some features.

Ginger might be the best herb for you (and I love the taste of ginger) but claiming that it is the best herb for CFS isn't going to be true for everyone sadly.

liquid sky

Senior Member
Hypercoagulation is present in Lyme Disease also. I wonder if it might be a factor in chronic infections in general?


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I have abnormal have hypercoag. showing up on one my blood tests. My hormones are also completely screwed up. I havent tried therapies to fix the hypercoag.