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anyone tried the gupta programme?


Senior Member
Hi all

just wondering if anyone has tried the gupta programme or knows of anyone who has had success with it? It seems good, but then again also sounds like all that cbt/wessely/lightning process nonsense. I want to buy it but confused as to whether there are any benefits to it or not.

Best wishes
I did. Good meditation sequences, but certainly didn't cure me. Helps with anxiety and negative thoughts.


Senior Member
Asheville, NC
I have several friends who have used the Gupta Programme. None were necessarily impressed enough to recommend it to me when I inquired. One gal did mention she felt it helped in her acceptance of our illness. Nobody has ever claimed that I know of to be made "well" from it.

On another note, we all decided that Toni Bernhards book, "How To Be Sick" has helped us more than anything in this area. The book is available on Amazon and is reasonably priced.


Senior Member
ACT (acceptance commitment therapy) and mindfullness practice might be worth investigating also.

These therapies, in my opinion, won't treat the "core illness", but are very useful in learning to live and grow with it. If one has to suffer, you might as well suffer as well as you can!
Hi john66-- I would be interested in "inheriting" your Gupta Program if it's still available. I've been tossing up whether to try out the program for a while.


Senior Member
PS if anyone wants it for free, please let me know
Looks like someone beat me to it. If your program is unclaimed, I would be interested, will watch here. Thanks. I have been working on brain re entrainment protocols in general for some time now with good results. It takes a while, or at least it has for me.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
ACT (acceptance commitment therapy) and mindfullness practice might be worth investigating also.

These therapies, in my opinion, won't treat the "core illness", but are very useful in learning to live and grow with it. If one has to suffer, you might as well suffer as well as you can!

Acceptance, mindfullness and also meditation and learning relaxation techniques (also validation.. the therapist validates your experiences) are a big part of DBT therapy. I suggest to anyone wanting help in those areas to find a psychologist who does DBT. (DBT is fairly mainstream thou only some psychologists are trained in it)

(If psychologists were using DBT instead of CBT for us.. more of us would find the therapy "useful", wouldnt cure but certainly would help people deal better esp how we go throu so much invalidation and rejection due to this illness. Having good stress reduction techniques are important too).


Senior Member
When someone claims it is the cure, instead of potential helpful, i disregard it. Seeing a decent therapist would be more effective unless you're motivated to change yourself. DBT sounds good, Tania.

The best CBT tool i learnt was from a life coach. If you can flip something that sits in the effect into the cause, then you have control and can get over it. So say MY PARTNER TREATS ME LIKE SHIT (is an effect), to change it to a cause is, I dont accept when my partner treats me like shit, i'll put up boundaries, walk away, explain that i dont like it and they change that behavior or deals with the consequence.

Or.. effect is - this is too hard - cause is: i havent learnt this yet, oh this is new.

CAUSE (What you can change)
EFFECT (What you cant - mindreading, imagining situations, hating.
Thanks for the info on ACT, Adster and taniaaust1! I've found a book on ACT and it is fitting in really nicely with my recently-begun mindfulness meditation :) I'd still like to try Gupta's therapy as there is so much new evidence on brain plasticity that has emerged in the last decade. There doesn't seem to be a question that the amygdala can be affected by meditation any more, just whether this organ is a/the major player in CFS versus it merely aggravating the CFS symptoms. Having watched Gupta's testimonies, it seems clear to me that at least some people can have a sustained improvement in their CFS beyond merely feeling less stressed (ie an improvement in their overall function level). I guess it's a gamble which group I will turn out to belong in, the one that has a deep response or a shallower one.


West Australia
I used the gupta program very early on and saw a great improvement. The symptoms where out of control, constant pain and spending most of my time in bed. within two weeks i felt 50% better. (though at the same time i drastically cleaned up my diet, was mainly eating just fruit and veg). i went hardcore on it, doing it hundreds of times a day. i wasnt working so i did very little else. it was major brainwashing. im not normally a beaming, positive sort of person, but every time i detected symptom checking or 'negative' thoughts i bashed them down.

About the seven month mark i felt 80-90% better. Even played two games of soccer (though my face turned an incredible purple colour which shocked the crap out of me!).
Stupidly, i went back to work labouring, and within a month i had symptoms back.


West Australia
oops.....hadnt finished. Anyway, three years later, i am still struggling with symptoms and havent worked in a year.
I found it great for getting control of pain but it didnt help with PEM. Maybe if i had..... consolidated on it... i dont know.
The testimonials on the dvd are very convincing and i have no problem accepting a HPA axis mediated ...um...whats the word. See?!... brain damage.
Obviously, other people have other pathologies going on and its not going to do much for them. But im going to try it again as it helped me before.
It has the benefit of being proactive, which i need. I cant do much about viral treatment and other avenues, having so little $$. I tend to just stew over medical and scientific stuff. Theres so much waiting between appointments to see doctors, with no results.