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Starting Low Dose Naltrexone treatment on methylation protocol?


Senior Member
Hey all,

As some of you may recall I'm having a HORRIBLE time with inflammation, allergies and food sensitivities. Looking into inflammation more lead me to discovering LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) which is showing a lot of promise in autoimmune conditions. It also seems to be pretty well tolerated and safe. I'd really like to try it.

Is anyone here familiar with it and know of any reason to be concerned about doing it in conjunction with Fredd's protocol?

Thanks so much!



Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio
Start low and work yourself up slowly to the full dosage, which is usually 4.5 milligrams. You will most likely have some sleep disturbance and realistic dreaming when you start. This will diminish with time. It can be lessened or eliminated by taking the LDN in the morning instead of the evening. LDN is usually taken at night, but does not have to be. Also, as with other treatments, it can increase or exacerbate inflammation or symptoms in the beginning. That's why I say start low and increase slowly. Of course, there are those that are able to jump right in to the full dosage and have little to no side effects. I don't know of any reason you can't use in conjunction with a methylation protocol. Hope this helps and good luck.


Senior Member
Thanks Drex! I'm getting the subscription filled today. I'll report back in a bit.
Hope it worked (works) good for you, chil. And, yes, i also wanna know if i can use LDN along with the b12 treatment protocol.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hey all,

As some of you may recall I'm having a HORRIBLE time with inflammation, allergies and food sensitivities. Looking into inflammation more lead me to discovering LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) which is showing a lot of promise in autoimmune conditions. It also seems to be pretty well tolerated and safe. I'd really like to try it.

Is anyone here familiar with it and know of any reason to be concerned about doing it in conjunction with Fredd's protocol?

Thanks so much!


And though the usual starting dose is 1.5 mg, a number of patients here have found that this is too much and have started with .5 mg. One reason to take it during the night is that when your opiate receptors are blocked you can feel a bit depressed. If you take it at night you sleep through the few hours where they are blocked. But then you might have trouble with sleep the first few days on each higher dose.

I and others have also found that raising the dose really slowly is important so that you don't suddenly awaken you immune system and get a lot of side-effects from it attacking things. It took me about 4 months to get up to dose.

Best wishes with this. I hope it helps you.


Senior Member
Id even go as far to say that

1. Always started at .5mgs especially if you expect to try taking it everyday
2. Might want to take it with some benedryl (I wish I had), to calm down any cytokine/histamine storms
3. Definitely continue the methylation protocol. Also include a large dose of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate is the best imo) and the amino acids, lysine, glycine, and proline.

Hey Sushi, what else are you taking with LDN?
Hi All,
I had a REALLY strong neuro reaction to my first little dose of Nexavir a couple months ago (vertigo, major dizziness, etc--slowly subsided but still extra light headed/exacerbated NMH I think).
So I was told/am considering try LDN instead,....

Also considering trying Florinef....

Sushi, others, wonder your thoughts: i'm wondering if Order of trying things seem to matter--e.g. Sushi did you start LDN before nexavir?

Hypothesis that nexavir triggered lots of neural inflammation for me, exacerbating autonomic dysfunction.

I also ask this Order-of-things question, because I was told Florinef may help tolerate immunmods for this reason--getting autonomic stuff under control, would lessen reactivity to the immunmodulators?
So florinef first?
Any thoughts?

(Apologies if a little off-topic. I'm still considering LDN as well, just trying to figure out order of things!)



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi All,
I had a REALLY strong neuro reaction to my first little dose of Nexavir a couple months ago (vertigo, major dizziness, etc--slowly subsided but still extra light headed/exacerbated NMH I think).
So I was told/am considering try LDN instead,....

Also considering trying Florinef....

Sushi, others, wonder your thoughts: i'm wondering if Order of trying things seem to matter--e.g. Sushi did you start LDN before nexavir?

Hypothesis that nexavir triggered lots of neural inflammation for me, exacerbating autonomic dysfunction.

I also ask this Order-of-things question, because I was told Florinef may help tolerate immunmods for this reason--getting autonomic stuff under control, would lessen reactivity to the immunmodulators?
So florinef first?
Any thoughts?

(Apologies if a little off-topic. I'm still considering LDN as well, just trying to figure out order of things!)


For what is is worth, I had been taking LDN for many months before I started Nexavir. I had tried Florinef years earlier but it gave me too many side effects and I only took it for a couple of months.

Best wishes,
Thanks Sushi. May I ask, were the side effects dangerous or just annoying? (What were they?) And it seems you had some OI (reason for Florinef) but tolerated the Nexavir fine?Thanks.
Many thanks,


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Thanks Sushi. May I ask, were the side effects dangerous or just annoying? (What were they?) And it seems you had some OI (reason for Florinef) but tolerated the Nexavir fine?Thanks.
Many thanks,

Severe headaches on a very low dose of Florinef. My doctor felt I should stop--so did I! I was also monitoring potassium.
