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NutrEval Results - Opinion Please?

I got my results back from my NutrEval test. Please see attached.

Im curious how these results look to you and would welcome your feedback.

As a result, my doctor has put me on the following supplements.

1. http://www.iherb.com/Metabolic-Maintenance-5-MTHF-L-Methylfolate-10-mg-90-Capsules/38360?at=1 - 1 daily.
2. Selenium (yeast free) 200 mcgs taken before bed. (may help to increase glutathione production, reduce rt3, and antibodies)
3. Liposomal Vitamin C-( Lets talk health) -1 tsp am and 1 tsp mid afternoon.
4. Acetyl Glutathione 100 mgs 2 times per day
5. 2 mgs of copper chelated (solgar) once per day away from other minerals.
6. Transdermal magnesium oil -( 8 sprays) 100 mgs once daily before going to bed.
7. NOW Methyl B-12, 2mg daily.

Im supposed to have more blood testing done, but wanted to see where I stood so far.

Thank you for any input!

View attachment Genova_Report_.pdf


Senior Member
Virginia, USA

I personally think that it is a bad idea for you to be taking this, for two reasons:

  1. It appears to contain both L-Methylfolate and D-Methylfolate. This latter one has no known function in the body and could be toxic for all we know.
  2. 10mg of methylfolate in one single dosage is a lot. It would be best to split in several smaller dosages, always together with some methylcobalamin

Besides the NutrEval, did you do any other testing, particularly a Methylation Panel?
I personally think that it is a bad idea for you to be taking this, for two reasons:

  1. It appears to contain both L-Methylfolate and D-Methylfolate. This latter one has no known function in the body and could be toxic for all we know.
  2. 10mg of methylfolate in one single dosage is a lot. It would be best to split in several smaller dosages, always together with some methylcobalamin

Besides the NutrEval, did you do any other testing, particularly a Methylation Panel?

Thank you for your feedback.
1) Is the D-Methylfolate from the latter of the 2? L-Methylfolate (from 5-methyltetrahydrofolate 20 mg)
2) Is this a good source? http://www.iherb.com/Life-Extension-Optimized-Folate-L-Methylfolate-1000-mcg-100-Veggie-Caps/38523
3) So I should dose the B-12 (methylcobalamin) and folate together in 4-5 smaller doses?
4) This is the only testing the doctor has done so far. He has referenced this site and mentioned doing blood work, but wanted to see how I would do on the list supps first.


Senior Member
Virginia, USA
1) Is the D-Methylfolate from the latter of the 2? L-Methylfolate (from 5-methyltetrahydrofolate 20 mg)

That's how I read it, i.e., 10mg of L-Methylfolate out of 20mg of 5-MTHF. It strongly suggests that the other 10mg are the racemic form, D-Methylfolate.

There are three brands I am aware of that contain "pure" L-Methylfolate: Metafolin, Quatrefolic and Extrafolate-S. Metafolin is produced by Merck while the latter two are manufactured by Gnosis. I feel confortable taking any of these three. The Life Extension product uses Quatrefolic.

3) So I should dose the B-12 (methylcobalamin) and folate together in 4-5 smaller doses?

That is how I would do it. In the case of methylcobalamin, sublingual appears to be the preferred means as oral/gastric bioavailability is otherwise quite low (just around 1% of a large dose).

4) This is the only testing the doctor has done so far. He has referenced this site and mentioned doing blood work, but wanted to see how I would do on the list supps first.

My opinion is that without additional and proper testing, you are taking quite large amounts of stuff "in the dark." Personally, I would feel more comfortable starting with something such as Thorne Basic Nutrients III and then, after appropriate testing, incrementally adjust as needed. And given that the dosage is 6 capsules/day, it is easy to spread throughout the day (ex, with breakfast, lunch and dinner.)


Senior Member
I personally think that it is a bad idea for you to be taking this, for two reasons:

  1. It appears to contain both L-Methylfolate and D-Methylfolate. This latter one has no known function in the body and could be toxic for all we know.
  2. 10mg of methylfolate in one single dosage is a lot. It would be best to split in several smaller dosages, always together with some methylcobalamin

Besides the NutrEval, did you do any other testing, particularly a Methylation Panel?

How do you know it contains d-methylfolate? It is totally unclear to me. There is just l-methylfolate stated.