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ActiveME iphone app to manage boom and bust

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
Wow. I just had a look and i'm very curious.
I'm too tired tonight but I will purchase it tomorrow and let you know if it is worth it.
Thanks for that.


Senior Member
It appears that you have to enter the activity data manually? I've been thinking about an automatic app using the built-in accelerometer, plus an external combined HRM and sleep monitor, with fatigue measured by how long/often I remain horizontal in a day. It's a viable idea, I think, to replace the malfunctioning body signals with a machine one, same way dialysis machine replaces malfunctioning kidney. Right now, we are doing that manually with an activity/health log.


Senior Member
SF Bay Area
I've been looking into what can be done with the accelerometer on the iPhone or Android phone and iPod and thinking about trying to make an app. The iPod is more wearable but it would need to be hacked to do stuff with it. Smart phones are more powerful but not that wearable.

What would people want an iPhone or Android app to be able to do to help manage CFS?

What's HRM?


Senior Member
I've been looking into what can be done with the accelerometer on the iPhone or Android phone and iPod and thinking about trying to make an app. The iPod is more wearable but it would need to be hacked to do stuff with it. Smart phones are more powerful but not that wearable.

What would people want an iPhone or Android app to be able to do to help manage CFS?

What's HRM?

HRM = heart rate monitor. There are wearable HRM/sleep monitors available for iPhone. Graphic presentation of activity might be nice, but having to manually enter data and analyze is not much of an improvement over the spreadsheet that I use to log my daily activity/fatigue. What I want is something that can tell me what/how much I can do at any given time, and alert me if I go over it in either intensity or duration. Also being able to program it for gradual increase of activity will be nice too.

Let me know if you work on it, I might have some idea.


Senior Member
SF Bay Area
This does a lot of what you'd want http://jawbone.com/up/product

This does look like it does a lot of what one would want to track CFS. The band is $99 though and not sure how close you have to be to your phone.

I see on the related apps there's also Nike Fuelband ($149):


and FitBit ($99.95):


Here are some reviews/comparisons:


It sounds like people prefer FitBit and it has an API so potentially extensible for CFS specific needs.

If you find any others, please post them.


Senior Member
Those are for healthy people; they don't help CFSers much. What you need is a new app that will monitor and provides you with an artificial fatigue signal so that you won't end up doing too much. It will have to figure out when to generate that signal by analyzing your accumulated data, much the same way we do by analyzing our manual activity/fatigue log.