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Fried patato and meat diet


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
I've been sick now 15 years, I discovered 12 months ago that food reactivity is a big part of this illness. When I first tried the gluten free diet I had like three days were relatively symptom free. Normal level of illness is not bed ridden but miserable and unable to do anything beyond simple chores. I've bought and used all the alternative grains, off gluten, off casien, off nuts, etc. Still was not able to reproduce those first three days of blissI had 12 months ago but KNEW that food reactivity IS a big part of this illness.

A month ago I fired up 15lbs of patatoes, there a comfort food for me when I am in a lot of pain and I thought why drive all the way to walmart to get them when I can make them myself.

To my amazement I had like 5 good days in a row because I was pigging out on all of my comfort food till it was gone. Than I started regressing back to the same old rut, bad days good days mostly bad.

So I tired an experiment, just fried patatoes, and meat (I've never to my knowledge reacted to meat but it's impossible just to eat meat) I introduced peas for a couple of nights and got sick. Quit the peas got better, tried a candy bar got sick, waited a few days than tried one of those trays of assorted fruits from walmart which was a lousy test cause any one of them could have caused my reactivity but I crashed.



I know there bad for me and I don't care, they have given me an amount of relief from this illness I have not experienced in years. More importantly I have a baseline to go from now so although I have to get sick for a little over 24 hours for each test an elimination diet is at least feasible for me now!

Only theory I have regarding why this works and nothing else does is the high temperture denatures the food somehow??? Mycotoxins maybe I really hate that theory but maybe it's possible. I really don't know anything except I SWEAR IT WORKS! (for me anyways)



Senior Member
Plain meat and potatoes are usually pretty safe for me and I react to a lot of things. Lately I am eating a lot of rotisserie chicken without the skin and sweet potatoes, I try to get the higher quality chicken without hormones etc. Have you tried baking the potatoes to see if you feel as good as when they are fried? You could put some butter on them then and that would be a bit healthier than fried food. I think for me that the protein sustains me in meat and I do well with carbs, my theory is that I have some form of undiagnosed porphyria and actually need a lot of carbs to feel good. And its good to avoid wheat for me, garlic and eggs are bad too for me too.....


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
This might have to do with other things than food sensitivity. A higher meat intake might improve protein synthesis. Meat is also high in methyl B12 and methyl folate, whereas potato is high in potasium. There are many threads devoted to methyl B12, methyl folate and potassium, as they interact to benefit many patients. They will also improve detox paths. I am not saying this is a sure thing, only providing another avenue for investigation. Bye, Alex


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
Have you tried baking the potatoes to see if you feel as good as when they are fried?
Trying baked potatos is high up on my list of things to try just takes time to try them, It usually takes in excess of 24 hours for me to get better and after you've had a taste of not being sick it's hell going back to that place. 15 years of this has taken it's toll on me. I might add that I "deep fry" in a large stainless steel pot like a french fry. If it does indeed have something to do with the high temperatures I want to look into a pressure cooker as an alternative to frying.


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
Has to be strict adherence to diet, no vegies, bread, dairy, fruit etc. Need to do it at least a few days preferably 5, go buy a gallon of oil a 15lb sac of patatos (makes less than you might think) peal and slice them to your preference fry them till they start to brown put them in the fridge take them out and microwave them as you need them. Any meat's that are not loaded with additives, (I do not seem to have a problem with walmart's rotisories, I do have a couple 12oz sodas, and I do use ketchup on the fries)


Senior Member
I don't really do much with my diet (other than trying to eat a generally 'healthy' diet), but found I got real improvements from just eating more, and having more money for snacks between meals. It could just have been a coincidence, but I do seem to have funny metabolism, so that I can eat much more than others and still not put on weight.


Senior Member
I don't really do much with my diet (other than trying to eat a generally 'healthy' diet), but found I got real improvements from just eating more, and having more money for snacks between meals. It could just have been a coincidence, but I do seem to have funny metabolism, so that I can eat much more than others and still not put on weight.

That is interesting. Sometimes I think that my allergies/sensitivities to foods are lowered when I eat bigger portions and diversified foods. In addition to that I tolerate fried potatoes better than boiled potatoes and I have no idea why. I can eat boiled potatoes and later add the oil on a tablespoon but this doesn't improve my intolerances.


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
If we have a psychosomatic illness because a physical illness cannot be objectively shown, how is a psychosomatic illness any more valid since it cannot be objectively shown?

It doesn't have anything to do with medicine or science or dedication to their field or those that have put their trust in them, these hypocrites need to believe in and promote this brand of psuedoscience. No amount of reason is going to sway them they simply need to be right and won't admit they don't know and who or how many they hurt is of no relevance to them all they are interested in is any evidence no matter how flimsy that reinforces their delusion they will dismiss everything else barring conclusive proof and if that ever comes along they will crawl back into the cracks they came out of before appologizing to those that they hurt.

Of course this doesn't apply literally to all (but certainty does some) and it does make me feel good to throw just as egregious an insult back in the general direction all of this crap is coming from.


Senior Member
I don't really do much with my diet (other than trying to eat a generally 'healthy' diet), but found I got real improvements from just eating more, and having more money for snacks between meals. It could just have been a coincidence, but I do seem to have funny metabolism, so that I can eat much more than others and still not put on weight.

Out of curiosity, do you tend to be underweight? I'm one of the ones who ended up overweight, and I found that I had more energy once I started eating less. Plus I'm one of the people who eats less than others of my height and still ends up putting on weight! It seems like there are two opposite groups of us with regard to weight and ME.

I don't eat meat, and I can't eat more than a bare minimum of oil, but this post has inspired me to bake a potato tonight.


Senior Member
That is interesting. Sometimes I think that my allergies/sensitivities to foods are lowered when I eat bigger portions and diversified foods. In addition to that I tolerate fried potatoes better than boiled potatoes and I have no idea why. I can eat boiled potatoes and later add the oil on a tablespoon but this doesn't improve my intolerances.

It's thought that gradual reintroduction can be helpful for some allergies (there was a study on severe peanut allergies, that reintroduced people with tiny bits of ground up peanut, and was meant to have led to improvements - but I only read media reports of it). Maybe a wider range of food helps your body adapt in some way?

I get the impression that we don't have a very good understanding as to how our different bodies respond to different diets, so I tend to take a fairly careless response to things. I didn't get a dramatic improvement to my health when I was taking car with my diet, so it didn't seem worth continuing.


Senior Member

I know there bad for me and I don't care

Ha, good for you!
Well, i might just try this, though, im dieting because i am overweight, and potatoes arent great for that usually.
I know what its like to like a diet of meat and potatoes, and add in peeled ripe pears.

Finding out about natural and added chemicals in food has been a life saver for me.

Here in australia our dieticians are trained in food chemical intolerance.

See www.fedup.com.au



Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
Ha, good for you!
Well, i might just try this, though, im dieting because i am overweight, and potatoes arent great for that usually.

Thing I like the most is the diet is very very satisfying, all those alternative grains taste like crap and I feel malnourished after eating them. I don't have a decent oven that works but I'm wondering if I baked them at really high temperatures if I could get just as good results the taste would suck without all the grease but I can't keep doing this forever! I was thinking about pressure cookers but I don't think they get a whole lot higher than 212 degrees. My thinking the excessive heat of frying has something to do with my not reacting.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Hi antares4141, I think you are right about the heat and reactivity. We don't react to foods, we react to chemicals in the foods. Those chemicals are modified by heat. If they are modified enough you might no longer react.

Its not just about temperature though. A longer cooking time at a lower temperature would probably have a similar result, and you can avoid more fat by baking than frying.

Bye, Alex


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australia (brisbane)
Hi antares4141, I think you are right about the heat and reactivity. We don't react to foods, we react to chemicals in the foods. Those chemicals are modified by heat. If they are modified enough you might no longer react.

Its not just about temperature though. A longer cooking time at a lower temperature would probably have a similar result, and you can avoid more fat by baking than frying.

Bye, Alex

Alex, just letting you know your inbox is full, nothing to do with meat and spuds though, lol.


Senior Member
"If they are modified enough you might no longer react."

I've heard that slow cooking in a crock pot is supposed to help with food allergies.. you may be on to something!


Senior Member
"If they are modified enough you might no longer react."

I've heard that slow cooking in a crock pot is supposed to help with food allergies.. you may be on to something!

Digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid should help too, by breaking down the food before it gets to the intestines. Different enzymes help with different foods -- for instance, I have one from Pure Encapsulations (though I've not tried it yet) that is designed to break down gluten and dairy.