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Metabolic Maintenance 10mg 5-MTHF?


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
I am new to this forum and have learned so much already from perusing thru many threads. I wanted to know if anyone else has tried the Metabolic Maintenance 10mg 5-MTHF to see if it is as reliable as the Solgar Metafolin? Today just started my third day of taking one capsule...10 mg...per day. I understand that many of you may not take this high of a dose but maybe some of you do and who have tried this brand. I have both fatigue and depression issues. I've read other posts that studies on Deplin had a better antidepressant response with 15mg as opposed to the 7.5mg so I am going to go up to the 15mg. I seem to have always had a high tolerance for supps so I really have no fear in upping my methylfolate to 15mg's. I also have Solgar Metafolin so I can just dose and extra 4800mg with that rather than measuring out half a capsule of the MM. I need to try to tackle this depression that I have had for quite some time and my fatigue that comes along with it. I'm taking SAM-e too, 1200 mg's per day. I took SAM-e in the past and went up to 1600 mg's per day with no effect in relieving my depression. So hopefully the addition of the methylfolate will kick things in gear. I shall find out. Also taking adenosyl and methyl B-12's as well as P5P and Douglas Labs B-complex and extra potassium which does help with not only post exercise crashes but also healing type symptoms from starting up on this protocol. Atleast one benefit I have noticed so far <only been on this protocol for about a week> is that my skin looks and feels smoother. I had bad acne in my teen years and to this day I still have adult acne breakouts but I am noticing a positive change in the texture of my skin so I must have ramped up my new cell growth. The MM brand is expensive but actually it is cheaper on a per mg basis for those who are taking this much methylfolate but I would like to know if anyone has tried this brand and if they have had success with it. Thanks for listening and so glad I have found this forum!


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I am new to this forum and have learned so much already from perusing thru many threads. I wanted to know if anyone else has tried the Metabolic Maintenance 10mg 5-MTHF to see if it is as reliable as the Solgar Metafolin? Today just started my third day of taking one capsule...10 mg...per day. I understand that many of you may not take this high of a dose but maybe some of you do and who have tried this brand. I have both fatigue and depression issues. I've read other posts that studies on Deplin had a better antidepressant response with 15mg as opposed to the 7.5mg so I am going to go up to the 15mg. I seem to have always had a high tolerance for supps so I really have no fear in upping my methylfolate to 15mg's. I also have Solgar Metafolin so I can just dose and extra 4800mg with that rather than measuring out half a capsule of the MM. I need to try to tackle this depression that I have had for quite some time and my fatigue that comes along with it. I'm taking SAM-e too, 1200 mg's per day. I took SAM-e in the past and went up to 1600 mg's per day with no effect in relieving my depression. So hopefully the addition of the methylfolate will kick things in gear. I shall find out. Also taking adenosyl and methyl B-12's as well as P5P and Douglas Labs B-complex and extra potassium which does help with not only post exercise crashes but also healing type symptoms from starting up on this protocol. Atleast one benefit I have noticed so far <only been on this protocol for about a week> is that my skin looks and feels smoother. I had bad acne in my teen years and to this day I still have adult acne breakouts but I am noticing a positive change in the texture of my skin so I must have ramped up my new cell growth. The MM brand is expensive but actually it is cheaper on a per mg basis for those who are taking this much methylfolate but I would like to know if anyone has tried this brand and if they have had success with it. Thanks for listening and so glad I have found this forum!

Hi Rand,

I hope you are taing it with all basics vitamins and minerals. Skin is often one of the first things that points the way towards healing.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
Hi Rand,

I hope you are taing it with all basics vitamins and minerals. Skin is often one of the first things that points the way towards healing.

Hi Freddd

The only thing I am missing from your protocol right now is the l-carnitine fumarate but will be ordering that. I did want to ask you one thing concerning the Vit C in your protocol. Currently I am only doing 500mg per day. I have tried higher doses of Vit C in the past and I seem to crash more on higher doses of C. I tried 5 grams of it per day before and I couldn't handle that well. Do you think that was part of healing or like I have heard from others that high dose C can possibly lower cortisol too much? Lowering cortisol is not good for me. Case in point I have done in the past high dose fish oil and I crashed from that. Have heard also high dose fish oil can lower cortisol. Thanks for responding and I appreciate your input.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hi Freddd

The only thing I am missing from your protocol right now is the l-carnitine fumarate but will be ordering that. I did want to ask you one thing concerning the Vit C in your protocol. Currently I am only doing 500mg per day. I have tried higher doses of Vit C in the past and I seem to crash more on higher doses of C. I tried 5 grams of it per day before and I couldn't handle that well. Do you think that was part of healing or like I have heard from others that high dose C can possibly lower cortisol too much? Lowering cortisol is not good for me. Case in point I have done in the past high dose fish oil and I crashed from that. Have heard also high dose fish oil can lower cortisol. Thanks for responding and I appreciate your input.

HI Rand,

Things change over and over depeding upon what else is going on. Titrate the C, too much of an increase will casue gas and stomach distress.
C can possibly lower cortisol too much? Lowering cortisol is not good for me. Case in point I have done in the past high dose fish oil and I crashed from that. Have heard also high dose fish oil can lower cortisol. Thanks for responding and I appreciate your input.

I have taken 2g C every day of my life. I believe it saved my kidneys from high homocysteine (along with 1g E/day). I take it as mineral ascorbate (NEVER as ascorbic acid - if you take it as ascorbic acid you should stick to a LOW DOSE. The reason is that the acid form is NOT ACTIVE and has to be converted to a mineral ascorbate which it will do by robbing calcium from your bones if need be). So I take this: http://www.iherb.com/American-Healt...h-Citrus-Bioflavonoids-90-Capsules/13673?at=0

Omega 3 should not ever cause a crash. However anytime you take more fat, and it is a fat, you need to take more Vitamin E so the fat does not go rancid. You need a fat-soluble antioxidant. E. If you did not take E with your omega-3 ... well insufficient E will make a cat go blind. For people - it will cause immune problems - succumbing to cold or flu or other pathogen...(this happens when athletes exercise too hard w/o Vitamin E to take care of the oxidants this generates...I suppose it could happen forever if you KEEP on taking fats w/o E).


This is generic nutrition info. The info on Vitamin E comes from Sports Nutrition by Dr. Michael Colgan


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
I have taken 2g C every day of my life. I believe it saved my kidneys from high homocysteine (along with 1g E/day). I take it as mineral ascorbate (NEVER as ascorbic acid - if you take it as ascorbic acid you should stick to a LOW DOSE. The reason is that the acid form is NOT ACTIVE and has to be converted to a mineral ascorbate which it will do by robbing calcium from your bones if need be). So I take this: http://www.iherb.com/American-Healt...h-Citrus-Bioflavonoids-90-Capsules/13673?at=0

Omega 3 should not ever cause a crash. However anytime you take more fat, and it is a fat, you need to take more Vitamin E so the fat does not go rancid. You need a fat-soluble antioxidant. E. If you did not take E with your omega-3 ... well insufficient E will make a cat go blind. For people - it will cause immune problems - succumbing to cold or flu or other pathogen...(this happens when athletes exercise too hard w/o Vitamin E to take care of the oxidants this generates...I suppose it could happen forever if you KEEP on taking fats w/o E).


This is generic nutrition info. The info on Vitamin E comes from Sports Nutrition by Dr. Michael Colgan

hi Rydra

If you just google higher dose C and cortisol and higher dose fish oil and cortisol you will see that they are many references made to them lowering cortisol levels. Maybe your cortisol levels are optimum or even in the higher range and your dosage does not effect you to the point where you can feel a worsening of lowering it too much. All I know is my own body and how it reacts. When I take higher doses of either I feel like dirt, even worse than I already feel and that isn't saying much. As far as you saying to make sure you take Vit E along with fish oil...I always have. I still take Vit C and fish oil but not high doses of either. I know my boundaries on how high I can go with both of those supps.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Hi rydra_wong, in relation to post 5 I have to disagree - its uncommon that supplementing with fish oil can produce a crash, but its not unknown. There are several reasons. One is that most fish oil sold is impure. You are getting omega 3 plus impurities. Those impurities can crash you. High purity oil is better, the stuff used in clinical trials is 90% pure active ingredients (EPA+DHA), but the stuff sold in supermarkets is usually only 30% pure active ingredients.

The second reason is that omega-3 does produce inflammatory hormones, just fewer than omega-6. It also inhibits omega-6 eicosanoid synthesis in several ways. Now this also means there is less need for high cortisol, as cortisol also inhibits eicosanoid synthesis by blocking arachidonic acid release. So high omega-3s reducing cortisol levels makes sense, it shows its working.

But reducing omega-6 eicosanoids (series 2 via arachidonic acid, not series 1) will decrease all of them. You might very much need some of them. Omega-3 dose needs to be titrated regularly, as optimal levels almost certainly vary over time. It also needs to be titrated in conjunction with omega-6 fats, but this is difficult as the relationship is probably nonlinear.

In short, omega-3s can produce crashes from impurities or too high a dose, or just bad regulation of eicosanoid synthesis (a problem which omega-3s cannot correct).

Bye, Alex


PR activist
hi Rydra

If you just google higher dose C and cortisol and higher dose fish oil and cortisol you will see that they are many references made to them lowering cortisol levels. Maybe your cortisol levels are optimum or even in the higher range and your dosage does not effect you to the point where you can feel a worsening of lowering it too much. All I know is my own body and how it reacts. When I take higher doses of either I feel like dirt, even worse than I already feel and that isn't saying much. As far as you saying to make sure you take Vit E along with fish oil...I always have. I still take Vit C and fish oil but not high doses of either. I know my boundaries on how high I can go with both of those supps.

This is true. Both vitamin C and fish oil (EPA) suppresses cortisol. Actually I have heard many people complaining about the effects of high dose fish oil.

You might want to experiment with a lower ratio of EPA : DHA than standard fish oil. Something like 200-250mg EPA with 500mg DHA might suit you better. Or just simply take pure DHA.

For vitamin C, most people should be able to tolerate 1-2g a day, which should be enough for most purposes.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
This is true. Both vitamin C and fish oil (EPA) suppresses cortisol. Actually I have heard many people complaining about the effects of high dose fish oil.

You might want to experiment with a lower ratio of EPA : DHA than standard fish oil. Something like 200-250mg EPA with 500mg DHA might suit you better. Or just simply take pure DHA.

For vitamin C, most people should be able to tolerate 1-2g a day, which should be enough for most purposes.

Hi adreno

Yes I take one with more DHA in it than EPA and I take it with my evening meal just in case that low amount would lower my cortisol more. I'd rather it be lowered some in the evening rather than in the morning for sure. I've just upped my vit C to 1g from 500mg and I am doing ok with that amount so far.


PR activist
Hi adreno

Yes I take one with more DHA in it than EPA and I take it with my evening meal just in case that low amount would lower my cortisol more. I'd rather it be lowered some in the evening rather than in the morning for sure. I've just upped my vit C to 1g from 500mg and I am doing ok with that amount so far.

Yes, it's a good idea to take it in the evening, when cortisol is naturally low anyway.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
I'll answer my own question from my original post. From reading other threads it looks like the Metabolic Maintenance 5-MTHF is not an optimal brand to take since it's a racemic mix. I have some Thorne 5-MTHF 5mg on order since I am doing some Deplin size doses for my depression. I have some extra Solgar Metafolin on hand until I get my Thorne.