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Tourette like outbreak


Senior Member
Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Massive environmental toxin spill

I've heard murmurs of the conversion disorder and "hysteria" and had the same reaction as all of you. Tonight, by chance, I turned on Dr. Drew's show and it's devoted to what they're finding out about the massive environmental spill that happened there several decades ago. I'll try to recap what I can remember, and I am of course hopeful that this will spur other investigations into environment+illness, though that may be a pipe dream...

First of all, he did ditch the conversion disorder idea and pointed out that that is only to be considered a possible diagnosis when accompanied by OCD. He said the "diagnosis didn't feel right in his gut and sort of closed the door on further investigation."

Erin Brockovitch was the guest I saw/heard first who said that there was a 1971 derailment of a train car, less than 4 miles from the school, that caused 1 ton of cyanide and 45,000 gallon of trichloroethylene to spill. No one investigated the site until the early 90s. The concentrations were so heavy then that they had to dilute the bedrock samples just to determine was there and to measure and then work backward to figure out the concentration based on the dilutions. Every year the water table rises, more of the substances are leached out and create a groundwater plume. There are gas wells (money makers for the school) at the school that actually pull the plumes and might be holding them over the school. There is also an illegal chemical dump at the old school that many of the children are said to have played in.

They also talked about PANDAS and why it didn't fit; a psychiatrist (Dr. Sharp, involved for a while I guess) said that with all of the organizations getting involved, they expect to officially rule that out. Now, the NIH is going to look at immunologic and infectious disease. Erin Brockovich said she's seen this many, many times: where people in a community start having very troubling symptoms and they think they're crazy, or others think they're crazy (due to ignorance, not mal intent).

Anyway, hope this might be useful for anyone wondering if any progress is being made (or if any of the psych docs are now being ripped apart). If only CFS had made its appearance during the youtube, twitter, text, FB or other era...


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
No one is asking the right questions. Were they vaccinated? Did they all just recently get the Gardasil shot from hell? Did they get that and a flu shot? We don't know. Did they come into contact with cleaning or paint fumes in that school? We don't know. Any janitor would have long cleaned up anything well before anyone investigated. Yes, let's just fast track them and call it mass hysteria. The only ones who actually have ever had mass hysteria are those that accuse others of it.

im not 100% on the gardasil vaccine as i read that there has been a young male with this illness, but he could be a one off.


ME/cfs 1986
Erin Brockovitch was the guest I saw/heard first who said that there was a 1971 derailment of a train car, less than 4 miles from the school, that caused 1 ton of cyanide and 45,000 gallon of trichloroethylene to spill.<snip>.

Rumor is that Brockovitch will be in Leroy today.

ETA: imho it seems more l likely infectious in nature. I worry that w/ Brockovitch there will be a big to do and when they can't link it to a long ago spill and/or make money on it they will disappear and there will still be sick kids. Sick kids with no help. All too familiar. I hope the autoimmune specialist the parents are bringing in helps.


senior member
Concord, NH
im not 100% on the gardasil vaccine as i read that there has been a young male with this illness, but he could be a one off.

Not sure I understand your sentence. But if I do, it seems you are saying that since a boy has it, then not the vaccine? They are now giving the vaccine to boys in the US, some of my friends have given it to their boys. I don't think it is a good idea, I try to send them relevant info.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
And sometimes by the CDC if they feel generous enough to do more than just review the info, data, tests etc collected by the local state health officials that it has to be Psychological.

There can never be anything new that comes along nor anything old and until recently undiscovered. Aids, Parkinson's, epilepsy, MS nope everything that is known to us is known. There are no Unknowns because we know everything. And if it isn't one of those knows and there aren't any unknowns since we know everything it has to be Psychological.

Its due to the "We are God" disorder which many of the medical profession and health depts high ups suffer from which cause them to have issues with false beliefs.

Someone please give them CBT for such stupid disillusional beliefs


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Not sure I understand your sentence. But if I do, it seems you are saying that since a boy has it, then not the vaccine? They are now giving the vaccine to boys in the US, some of my friends have given it to their boys. I don't think it is a good idea, I try to send them relevant info.


I was referring to the boy, as in australia from what i know gardasil isnt given to males. I was meaning that if males get it then maybe its not gardasil but thats wrong then if it is given to males in the US.



Senior Member
I did not see a link when I searched under LeRoy for a story that is suppose to be in Sunday's New York Times Magazine, but is already available on line. The story has a publication date of Sunday, March 11th, but comments to the story are dated Wednesday, March 7th. Here is the link http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/11/magazine/teenage-girls-twitching-le-roy.html?_r=1

The article is quite long, but worth reading and makes reference to "Simon Wessely, an epidemiologist at King's College in London and chairman of the department of psychological medicine" regarding "estimates that hundreds of outbreaks occur every year in the United States." :eek:

It is not clear from this article if authorities or Erin Brockovich are still investigating whether an environmental toxin could be involved with this "Tourette's Like Illness".

*Edit - It appears that there is an early post of this story at http://forums.phoenixrising.me/showthread.php?16746-What-Happened-to-the-Girls-in-Le-Roy.