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Candida:The Untold Story


Hi anniekim,
My most obvious candida symptom was vaginal infection, it causes redness and a lot of pain and discharge. All the doctors who examined me agreed my level of infection was extreme. Every swab I have ever had over the last 28 years has come back positive for candida, every single one!
I had a stool analysis for candida twice, both of which came back positive for gut candida.
I have had blood antibody tests which are always showing a very high level of candida antibodies.
I had a couple of mouth swabs and nasal swabs showing it was up there and got hospital treatment for that as these were dangerous, it can spread to the lungs which is life threatening. That was only on 2 brief occasions, usually those areas are free of candida.

When candida grows excessively in the gut you get bloating and farting, constant pain, sugar cravings, sore red bottom (like the vag), diarrhoea and constipation. This follows a specific pattern. You get backed up for several days then it all comes out in a day, each bowel movement getting looser till you have diarrhoea. I am sorry if that is overshare but the medical websites just say "diarrhoea or constipation" but actually the way it goes is extremely specific and a probably the most important clue to diagnosis.

You can also get many symptoms that derive from the extreme amount of mycotoxins candida produces, most notably brain fog, sudden low blood sugar crises, tiredness and irritability, dizziness, breathing problems something like asthma, headaches that go on and on, and itchiness that keeps dancing all over your body - in my case it is particularly bad round my eyes and I end up scratching them till they almost bleed.
I had these symptoms for years and I am having them now, they happen when the gut symptoms are particularly bad and the candida has grown more prolifically in the gut.

To u&irok, and others,
Again thank you for sharing so much useful information, that is really helpful.


Senior Member
Athene, I really hope I am of some help. I've been reading for years on different forums the suffering of people with candida and how many misunderstandings there are out there and how people try one thing or another and have candida for years. It can mess up your immune system and your body and leave you depleted of nutrients. So I just want people to know that there is a way to get rid of it in a few months. I hate that not everyone can afford it, the system is so unfair--pay a $10 copay to see a doctor that doesn't know anything about candida (my M.D. was asking ME questions about it because I knew more than him), pay a $20 copay for a drug that is not a good choice for curing candida.

90% I want to help people, 10% I want to stop the candida because it's everywhere now, and much of it is drug resistant.

You have it systemically, I did too and had a lot of your symptoms. Do you also have nightmare PMS? Oh, I had it sooo bad, I was really incapacitated but I still kept going. Could hardly walk up the stairs during that time.

I really hope you can try Dr. B's protocol. I don't want to pry into your finances but at least fill out the form on Dr. B's website. You can explain to him how you feel and he can help in some way. Or at least try my protocol. It will give you the framework for killing the candida because you see how it requires certain steps in a certain order and multiple things which is what's usually missing in most people's plan, partly because we were raised in the U.S. (not sure if you are Italian or just live there?) with a 'all you have to do is take one pill a day for 2 weeks' kind of mentality and that's hard to get out of. Candida really requires a coordinated plan of attack.


Senior Member
(Note: I added ingredients for 6-n-1 to my protocol post)

I wanted to also mention that this protocol is good for parasites and bacteria. Dysbiosis will include bad bacteria and parasites and the candida beastie will mess up your intestinal system, making way for other baddies.

When I was tested for candida, I think it was the CDSA, it showed on a 0 - 100 scale with a 20 suspicious for candida and a 40 definite candida:

90 - candida
60 - parasites
30 - harmful bacteria

It turned out I also had a tapeworm, about 1 foot long and 3/4 inch wide which no one knew about until I passed it, quite dead. I passed it when I was about at the end of the candida killers phase. I had just come back from honeymooning in Jamaica and I wonder if something there helped kill it or if it was just a coincidence. I had drank a lot of coconut water which is anti-parasitical and it had given me some purges.


Hi u&iraok,

You're right about the money thing, that is the main thing stopping me contascting the doc right away.... I think of all the money i wasted on doctors in the past who had no idea what they were talking about! Argh!

I am almost definitely decided to follow your protocol and see if that can help me. Do you know what teh variables are, in terms of choosing the right protocol for the patient? I mean, how likely is it that your protocol would be suitable for me as well?

Also, can you take other meds while following it? Or do the mopper-uppers absorb those and stop them working?


Senior Member
u&iraok, your protocol is very interesting. I wonder if you have seen any die off when taking diatomaceous earth? I also take it occasionally, but when I take higher (not previously taken) dose, I get significant die off: headache and depression. I used to have sensitivity to light and noise after DE as well. I am still unsure whether it is from candida or some parasite die off. What do you think and what is your experience? Thanx for your knowledge.


Senior Member
Thank you Athene and i&iraok for your replies, appreciated

I&iraok, I am familiar with the candida questionnaire. My confusion with it is that so many if the symptoms overlap with m.e that I find it hard to know how one differentiates between candida and m.e. Eg I've never had thrush in my life etc. Athene's symptoms clearly show candida problems, but I don't feel I've exhibited any... Just find it all very confusing

Also I&raiok when you say you got rid of it. Did you know this by having another stool test which showed no or very little candida? I read in a book that as we all have a bit of candida in our gut it's easy to grow it from a stool culture, so a stool test doesn't show anything. I don't understand it all.....

Edit: sorry i&iraok two more questions if that's ok. How did you cope with the extreme sugar cravings? And what made you decide your ill health problems were due to candida and so ten consult doctor B? Many many thanks


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i think candida is just an opportunistic/co-infection that can happen in cfs and more prone to it when using abx then most. Candida is very common in HIV with their supressed immune systems. If u need abx for something we just need to be more careful and use antifungals and probiotics etc i suppose. Like im finding out with sinus infections, fungal and bacteria infections can co-exist and cause problems.

Other obvious symptoms of fungal infections are white paste tongue, GI symptoms like already mentioned and an itchy bum! Sometimes its not as obvious with men either.
I think if u suspect some type of candida and its not obvious but have GI symptoms like wind, diarrhoea etc maybe a trial of oral nystatin is worth a shot and if improvement occurrs u know its there.



Senior Member
Hi u&iraok,

You're right about the money thing, that is the main thing stopping me contascting the doc right away.... I think of all the money i wasted on doctors in the past who had no idea what they were talking about! Argh!

I am almost definitely decided to follow your protocol and see if that can help me. Do you know what teh variables are, in terms of choosing the right protocol for the patient? I mean, how likely is it that your protocol would be suitable for me as well?

Also, can you take other meds while following it? Or do the mopper-uppers absorb those and stop them working?

Yeah, a lot of money and time is being wasted by a lot of people while they get sicker. I know I had candida for at least 2 years while I tried different things.

I wish I could give you clear answers about the protocol. I know hormones play a part and also for me he tested what kind of candida I had (I wish I'd asked him the name of the strain, he just said it was a hard to get rid of strain) and picked the candida killers best for that strain. But now I read on his website that he no longer needs to identify the strain because the substances he is using now kill all organisms. I would definitely include Collodial Silver as one of the 4 you rotate because that is probably the strongest natural antibiotic/antifungal/antiviral and Dr. B also says that. The other three I used are not commonly known or used so the benefit of these may be that they are not something you've tried before and your candida didn't get immunity to them. Also, the fact that I had a hard to get rid of strain may recommend the ones he picked for me.

If it were me I would make sure I followed the steps carefully and don't forget to take things and also follow the diet carefully. I followed the strict diet of no grains and no fruits except Granny Smith Apples but he has a more lenient one that says 40% of your diet from meats and eggs, 40% from vegetables, 10% from root vegetables, beans and grains and 10% from nuts, seeds and the low sugar fruits lemons, limes, granny smith apples, cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

I would also probably stay on each step a longer time since I wouldn't have the benefit of the tests.

As to meds, I don't know that answer. I know that the following supplements interfere with killing candida: Vit A in all forms, Vit E in all forms, Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Zinc, Pycnogenol, B complex but possibily not Bs taken separately, D, Copper, CoQ10, Iron.


Senior Member
Thank you Athene and i&iraok for your replies, appreciated

I&iraok, I am familiar with the candida questionnaire. My confusion with it is that so many if the symptoms overlap with m.e that I find it hard to know how one differentiates between candida and m.e. Eg I've never had thrush in my life etc. Athene's symptoms clearly show candida problems, but I don't feel I've exhibited any... Just find it all very confusing

Also I&raiok when you say you got rid of it. Did you know this by having another stool test which showed no or very little candida? I read in a book that as we all have a bit of candida in our gut it's easy to grow it from a stool culture, so a stool test doesn't show anything. I don't understand it all.....

Edit: sorry i&iraok two more questions if that's ok. How did you cope with the extreme sugar cravings? And what made you decide your ill health problems were due to candida and so ten consult doctor B? Many many thanks

I didn't have ME when I had candida so I don't know about that. I thought about that, that there would be overlap with some of the symptoms, especially headache, fatigue, brain fog and hormone problems. But the main symptoms are the intestinal ones--gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, undigested food, mucus in stools, burning sensations. I know that can overlap with other things too, though if it's really bad there's a good chance something is wrong that involves candida, parasites or bad bacteria or probably all three. It's lot worse than IBS and you feel like you've got a really bad bug. Everyone talks about vaginal infections for women or fungal infections for men, but I didn't have vaginal infections or thrush. I think the one that stands out from Athene that I had is the tingling itching under the skin.

I did have stool tests every step of the way and urine tests. Dr. Biamonte helped develop the Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) test. I see now as of 2006 Dr. B only needs urine tests which is good because the stool tests are no fun!

The idea of everyone having a little candida in their intestines is true but it's a misunderstanding in terms of Candidasis which is what we mean when we say Candida. The good bacteria you should have keeps the candida yeast in check but when candida becomes an infection it's now a fungus with long spreading tendrils that dig into your intestinal walls and the longer you have it, the layers of fungus build. If you take a few things now and again to reduce the fungus until you feel better you haven't gotten rid of the infection or the fungus or the layers. And no one would say that they wanted to reduce an infection, no they would want to eradicate it. Besides, you are stressing your immune system and you are not absorbing nutrients. Candiasis can also lead to bigger problems including cancer.

The sugar and carb cravings were intense and difficult. My particular craving was the pie dough from pie shells you buy in the frozen desert section. I would just sit there are eat that. And cookie dough. I'd eat it till I was sick. I tried to mitigate that by making my own out of oats, flour, butter, water and a little sugar. And candy, tons of candy. I was so sick of having candida because it was horrible and I was really sick that my will power was strong. Meat, veg, and granny smith apples were about all I ate I was so determined. But I thought about sugar and carbs all day and salivated and dreamed about them at night! When the candida was gone so was my sweet tooth. Now I hardly ever eat sweets except really dark chocolate sometimes-yum, and I don't eat white flour and I don't want it.

I looked up my symptoms and found candida. Then I spent hours and hours on the internet, reading and reading. I realized no one really understood candida and so I kept reading and reading until I found Dr. Biamonte's website and said, eureka, someone who knows candida.


Senior Member
u&iraok, your protocol is very interesting. I wonder if you have seen any die off when taking diatomaceous earth? I also take it occasionally, but when I take higher (not previously taken) dose, I get significant die off: headache and depression. I used to have sensitivity to light and noise after DE as well. I am still unsure whether it is from candida or some parasite die off. What do you think and what is your experience? Thanx for your knowledge.

I experienced die off from everything I took! Your symptoms are ones I had when I was having die off. The DE scrapes the candida off the intestinal walls so it helps to take something to absorb it and flush is all out, something that has betonite clay and pectin, etc. Dr. B says for die off symptoms to scale back on what you're taking and then increase it gradually.


Senior Member
U&iraok, thanks for your comprehensive reply. Just one more question if that's ok. You mention burning sensations as one of the symptoms do you mean when you wee or from your bottom or both? Many thanks


Senior Member
U&iraok, thanks for your comprehensive reply. Just one more question if that's ok. You mention burning sensations as one of the symptoms do you mean when you wee or from your bottom or both? Many thanks

With diarrhea. In general, but once when I had candida I had an accupressure massage and when she pressed on a spot on my lower back I had this incredibly strong burning sensation in my whole gut area and about an hour later I had a purge of a lot of diarrhea and it was accompanied by a strong burning sensation. I'm assuming the burning is inflammation of the intestinal lining. I wonder if we had more sensation in our intestines and we have candida if we would be in a lot of pain.


Oh dear, I'll have to stop running around the neighborhood naked!

Ha ha ha !!!! Nice one Valentijn!

Back in my mother's day they always used to say you got pneumonia from running around scantily clad.
And my grandmother was from the generation that wrapped up warm to avoid getting "a chill on their kidneys".
I suppose we need a more modern illness to threaten the next generation of ladies into dressing modestly!!!


Senior Member
Bay Area
I don't trust anything involving Candida given the fact that the whole world seems to think Candida eats sugar and carbs and it actually eats fat and protein- the very things you eat on a "Candida diet". It's amazing how misinformed and shallow a lot of this neo natural Whole Foods knowledge is.

People think Candida eats sugar and carbs because it's a yeast. But it's not the same as the stuff you put in Beer. Maybe they're blaming the wrong organism though.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I don't trust anything involving Candida given the fact that the whole world seems to think Candida eats sugar and carbs and it actually eats fat and protein- the very things you eat on a "Candida diet". It's amazing how misinformed and shallow a lot of this neo natural Whole Foods knowledge is.

People think Candida eats sugar and carbs because it's a yeast. But it's not the same as the stuff you put in Beer. Maybe they're blaming the wrong organism though.

If u stop eating fats and proteins you die, whats the alternative diet wise.

I think one reason is the organisms in the gut are out of whack as candida is normally present but not in the amount that some people have. A crappy immune system can do this too, why it occurrs in HIV.



I don't trust anything involving Candida given the fact that the whole world seems to think Candida eats sugar and carbs and it actually eats fat and protein- the very things you eat on a "Candida diet". It's amazing how misinformed and shallow a lot of this neo natural Whole Foods knowledge is.

People think Candida eats sugar and carbs because it's a yeast. But it's not the same as the stuff you put in Beer. Maybe they're blaming the wrong organism though.

Candida does actually digest everything, but its growth rate is dramatically increased, and in direct proportion to, the concentration of glucose. It grows to a greater or lesser extent with other types of sugar. When scientists perform experiments on the growth rate of candida, they vary the concentration of glucose to control the speed of its growth because simple sugars are the single biggest variable in its reproduction rate.
However, as you said, it can live on protein and fat. The fact it can do so well in a vagina, an environment not rich in glucose, proves this.

These research reports examine its varying growth rates in relation to available nutrients.



The second report shows that the pathogenicity of candida is directly proportional to its speed of growth, and that the speed of growth is proportional to the amount of glucose available to it.
Therefore, although we know that, sadly, we cannot eliminate candida by avoiding eating sugars, we can reduce its speed of growth and we can also reduce its potency to do harm.


Senior Member
Ask any doctor what they think of the potential for candida to be involved in the pathogenesis of chronic fatigue sydrome.