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New ABC News Article 10/30/09


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
I haven't seen any other thread on this article, so thanks for posting it. It was very interesting, especially on page 3 where it talks about Dr Klimas:

Now, drug companies are taking an interest in her work treating eight patients with reverse transcriptase inhibitors, antiretroviral drugs similar to those used today in HIV/AIDS patients.

"They went from very ill to much, much improved," said Klimas, who now directs the Gulf War Illness and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Clinic at the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

One company that hopes to find new therapies with Klimas is Ohio-based Neo Probe, which explores activated cellular therapy technology to treat cancer, as well as viral and autoimmune diseases.

Is this the first feedback we have gotten on anti-retroviral therapy?

Also the Activated Cellular Therapy looks interesting.


Ah, sorry about the re-post. I've been trying to keep up with the forum but I am sure I've been missing some posts.


Ah, sorry about the re-post. I've been trying to keep up with the forum but I am sure I've been missing some posts.

no worries. Personally, I'd rather get something twice than miss it!

I find it tough to stay on top of what's already on the forum - in fact I can't. So if I remember, and am up to it (and all the other caveats we ahve), I use the search function 1st
