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The IACFS/ME Conference in Ottawa: Sept 22-25, 2011


Senior Member
Hi everyone,

I just registered to go to the IACFS/ME conference in September and was wondering if any of you will be attending. I live in Ottawa so it is very easy ,as long as I'm not having a bad crash, to attend. Of course I'll go no matter what since this might be my one and only time to see all the great ME specialists and scientists in person. I am so excited about this and can hardly wait.

If any of you have questions about Ottawa, where to stay, what to do etc. fire away. I'd be happy to help anyway I can.

Hope to see and meet many of you in September.

PS: To check out the agenda go to http://www.iacfsme.org site .


Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
I will be attending the 1-day patient conference.
Just getting there will be too much for me, but I really want to attend.
I live in Ottawa but will stay at the Hotel. This way, I will be able to lie down during breaks if I need to.
It's once in a lifetime... =-)


Senior Member
Hi Boule de feu,

Oh good...someone else is going! :D I have registered for all 4 days, which is probably about 3 days too long for me. I am so interested in seeing all the talks that I couldn't limit myself to just the one day. Of course this is one of my big problems: pacing-- I'm not very good at it. As soon as I have a good day I want to go,go,go. Then I end up crashed, crashed, crashed :In bed:.

Looking forward to meeting you in September.


Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
Hi Boule de feu,

Oh good...someone else is going! :D I have registered for all 4 days, which is probably about 3 days too long for me. I am so interested in seeing all the talks that I couldn't limit myself to just the one day. Of course this is one of my big problems: pacing-- I'm not very good at it. As soon as I have a good day I want to go,go,go. Then I end up crashed, crashed, crashed :In bed:.

Looking forward to meeting you in September.


No, you're not! LOL
I will probably regret not going to the full event.
I hope they will let me attend the other presentations if I change my mind.


Senior Member
It would be great to hear about if you're able. So many advances now. (I'm in Kent UK unable to travel)


Senior Member
Hi Enid,

Yes I will try and report on any news from the conference. I am hoping some of the well-known ME/CFS bloggers and advocates will be attending and will report news daily.

I know Rich Vank is attending and hopefully he can assist in updating everyone on any exciting news.

I assume Cort will be attending but have not actually heard if this is the case.



Senior Member
Yes, IACFS/ME will videotape entire Ottawa conference (Sep22-25)

Is there any possibility that we can get this webcast?

Yes, SpecialK82. I contacted the IACFS/ME and they said they are going to video the entire event. There will be a vendor onsite or you can pre order by contacting Greg Stavish at Insta Tape. greg@instatapes.com".


Senior Member
New England
Yes, Boule de feu, you can sign up for the whole thing as a patient. I wish I were going but have another commitment for that weekend.


Senior Member
Today was the first day of the conference.
did anyone get any feedback yet as to how it went?


Senior Member
You're a month early Nielk. lol
The 22nd of September is when it starts.

I have major brain fog!!!!!!!
I just asked my husband what's today's date and he said the 22nd and in my ind I'm thinking the conference is starting!
Real embarrassing.


Senior Member
I've ruled out going, thinking I'd probably miss too much to make it worthwhile. Does anyone know how well they accommodate patients with rest areas?


Senior Member
I think Dr Marco Ruggiero will present the results of the MAF 314 testing with patientsof Dr. Cheney in the conference in Ottawa.
On another forum he said that presented in Ottawa, Padova (Italy) and RA2011.
Surely, not they not say how to make it in the kitchen at home, because they charge $ 5000 for explaining how to the patients.
All of you who are so fortunate to go to these conferences, pay attention to their work.
There they will say whether or not patients have improved, and only taking the product for three weeks.
Its a hope for us....


Senior Member
For everyone who wishes they could make it there but can't, we're working on the possibility of a live blog that would cover all three days of the conference. If so, we'll need a group of volunteers to assist in bringing coverage from the source(s) and organizing it to the liveblog.

Anyone who's interested in helping out, let me know or post here and we'll see if we can pull this off! :D


Phoenix Rising Founder
I will report in when I can from the conference - here are the agenda's

Patient Agenda

Patient Agenda

September 22, 2011

9:30 am 9:40 am
Welcome & Introduction
Fred Friedberg, Ph.D.
President, IACFS/ME,
Research Associate Professor , Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY

9:40 am 10:00 am
How I Help CFS/ME Patients in Canada
Byron Hyde, M.D.
Founder and Chairperson, Nightingale Research Foundation, Private Practice, Ottawa

10:00 am - 10:20 am
New Developments in Possible Causes of ME/CFS
Anthony L. Komaroff, M.D.
Simcox-Clifford-Higby Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Senior Physician, Brigham & Womens Hospital, Boston, MA
Editor-in-Chief and Publisher , Harvard Health Publications Division, Harvard Medical School

10:20 am 11:00 am
What Helps People Cope with ME/CFS
Fred Friedberg, Ph.D.
President, IACFS/ME
Research Associate Professor , Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Leonard A. Jason, Ph.D.
Professor , DePaul University, Chicago, IL

11:00 am - 11:20 pm

11:20 am - 12:00 pm
Fibromyalgia: Current Status
Roland Staud, M.D.
Professor , University of Florida, Gainsville, FL

12:00 pm 1:30 pm
Lunch Break/ Visit Exhibits

12:15 pm 1:15 pm
Breakout Session: For parents of children with ME/CFS
Rosamund Vallings, MNZM, MB BS
Secretary, IACFS/ME
Family Physician , Howick Health and Medical Clinic, Auckland, New Zealand
Teruhisa Miike, M.D, Ph.D.
Board Member, IACFSME
Chief, Hyogo Childrens Sleep and Development Medical Research Center, Hyogo, Japan

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Legal Aspects of Disability
Hugh R. Scher
Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto, Canada

2:00 pm - 2:20 pm
Latest Research on the Pathophysiology of ME/CFS
Nancy Klimas, M.D.
Immediate Past President, IACFS/ME
Professor of Medicine, Microbiology, Immunology and Psychology , University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine and Miami VA Medical Center

2:20 pm - 2:40 pm
Disease and Discovery: What Have We Learned?
Annette Whittemore
Founder & President , Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease, Reno, NV

2:40 pm 3:00 pm
Effective Management of Activity Intolerance
Staci R. Stevens, M.A .
Vice President, IACFS/ME
Founding Executive Director , Fatigue Lab, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA

3:00 pm - 3:30pm

3:30 pm 3:50 pm
Tools to Stop Crashing, Start Pacing and Planning Your Health
Alison Bested, M.D.
Haematological Pathologist, Medical Specialist Liaison, Environmental health Clinic, Womens College Hopsital, Lecturer, Community and Family Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

3:50 pm - 4:10 pm
Differentiating ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia from Psychiatric Disorders
Eleanor Stein, M.D.
Psychiatrist in Private Practice
Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, University of Calgary

4:10 pm 4:30 pm
Advocacy (ME/FM Action Network)
Lydia Neilson
Founder & CEO , National ME/FM Action Network

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Panel Question & Answer Session
Panel includes: Fred Friedberg, Ph.D., Byron Hyde, M.D., Anthony Komaroff, M.D., Leonard Jason, Ph.D., Hugh Scher, Rosamund Vallings, MB, BS, Teruhisa Miike, M.D, Ph.D., Roland Staud, M.D., Lydia Neilson, Nancy Klimas, M.D, Annette Whittemore, Eleanor Stein, M.D., Alison Bested, M.D.

5:30 pm 7:00 pm
Reception & Movie Debut Voices from the Shadows