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facial inflammation


Senior Member
Hi all
I am continuing on my methylation protocol with high dose B vitamins and e.coli nissle supplements. Generally it has helped but some days are better than others as I adjust dosages. One thing I have noticed is that when I feel bad, my face is always really swollen, particularly my eyes and frontal sinuses. This gets worse if I take magnesium the previous night. The facial puffiness gets much better when the methylation protocol is working. Does anyone know why this happens, why magnesium makes it worse, and if there is anything I can do about it?


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hi all
I am continuing on my methylation protocol with high dose B vitamins and e.coli nissle supplements. Generally it has helped but some days are better than others as I adjust dosages. One thing I have noticed is that when I feel bad, my face is always really swollen, particularly my eyes and frontal sinuses. This gets worse if I take magnesium the previous night. The facial puffiness gets much better when the methylation protocol is working. Does anyone know why this happens, why magnesium makes it worse, and if there is anything I can do about it?

Hi Liz,

I haven't heard of that before. magnesium is important in the mineral balance, muscle behavior, and is a substrate for b12 activity, among other things. Why it would contribute to facial swelling I have no idea. Have you tried taking 1/4 or 1/2 as much? That might be a better choice than none, to find the dose below the level that induces swelling. The connections I find tend to be magnesium LACTATE. Perhaps you might try a different form of magnesium even if what you are taking isn't "lactate".


Senior Member
Thanks for replying, Caledonia and Freddd
I believe that the facial swelling is part of a vascular/nervous system symptom I get, where my blood vessels swell up. I tend to feel more tired and out of it when this happens. Vasoconstrictors like norepinephrine make me feel better. Likewise when the B vitamins do manage to stimulate my CNS (I guess that is what happens) I feel better.
I think I will cut back on the magnesium. I use magnesium oil.
How do I get better blood vessel constriction/NS action?