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Do I even have a methylation issue? Weird Reactions, please help.

Hey guys.

Glad I have helped spur all this discussion.

I am really foggy and feeling down right now so please bear with me.

I am scared to go forward untill I figure out why the zinc was giving me neuropathy.

Copper depletion after so short a time? My zinc was low and my copper was normal to high. Also I don't think I got any other symptoms.

Freddd, any specific deficencies that you can think of that copper might create?

Also, I believe I have some pre siezure like cogntivie kindling. I suspect it is either an ammonia issue from my CBS or b6 depletion making me lose GABA.

I am scared to supplement with b6 because I don't want to increase ammonia production.

Thinking of getting some PH test strips.

ugh please help. It feels like every door that opens has a catch, and I can't go through!


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hey guys.

Glad I have helped spur all this discussion.

I am really foggy and feeling down right now so please bear with me.

I am scared to go forward untill I figure out why the zinc was giving me neuropathy.

Copper depletion after so short a time? My zinc was low and my copper was normal to high. Also I don't think I got any other symptoms.

Freddd, any specific deficencies that you can think of that copper might create?

Also, I believe I have some pre siezure like cogntivie kindling. I suspect it is either an ammonia issue from my CBS or b6 depletion making me lose GABA.

I am scared to supplement with b6 because I don't want to increase ammonia production.

Thinking of getting some PH test strips.

ugh please help. It feels like every door that opens has a catch, and I can't go through!

Hi Lampkld2,

How do you tell the difference between intensified and shifting neuropathic symptoms induced by healing and improved functioning of nerves and actual worsening neuropathic symptoms from neuropathies getting worse and less functional nerves? Your conundrum may be entirely intellectual.

Sorry I meant to ask if you were aware of any other reasons zinc (not copper) could cause neuropathy.

Anyway, I tried some zinc again, neuropathy, maybe some weakness/numbness and defintly muscle twitching was what came of it... even thought I took not more than 15 mg. Also started back up MB12, ADB12 , p5p b vits and mfolate....Stopped the zinc gluconate, going to try another type of zinc maybe that will be better.

Going to keep on the b vits, hopefully the nerve issues are from the zinc. Felt ok the second day, actually a bit better, the next day (today) hit with brain fog and just spacyness. Hopefully this is transient....Going to try to stick through this time.

Can you please confirm again for me that this is a normal progression and I should go back to feeling better soon? Have there actually been others with similar symptoms that have subsided and they started to feel better?]



Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I have high mercury on hair assay. Stopping methylation untill I can get that handled.

Hi Lampkld,

My opinion is that that would be a mistake. IF, and there is serious doubt, mercury actually succeeds in being methylated by mb12 then mercury succeeds in disabling mb12 and inducing the 80% of mercury related symptoms that are identical with methylb12 deficiency symptoms.
Freddd, I understand the stochiometry is not in favor of MB12 directly causing a problem, but I think it might be the methylation cycle and improved detox itself that is trying to deal with an accumulated mercury load, behind the 8 ball.

I'm going to do some chelation and slowly add in the b vitamins to and go from there... but first I want to get to a point where I can atleast tolerate some zinc.

I was definitly feeling toxic, but I was frickin loading myself up with folates and b12s after I felt better the first day. I will be sure to start much lower and have mercury binders on board this time.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Freddd, I understand the stochiometry is not in favor of MB12 directly causing a problem, but I think it might be the methylation cycle and improved detox itself that is trying to deal with an accumulated mercury load, behind the 8 ball.

I'm going to do some chelation and slowly add in the b vitamins to and go from there... but first I want to get to a point where I can atleast tolerate some zinc.

I was definitly feeling toxic, but I was frickin loading myself up with folates and b12s after I felt better the first day. I will be sure to start much lower and have mercury binders on board this time.

Hi Lampkld,

First as regards zinc, start low with it and break up the dose amongst several meals. It can cause considerable stomach upset just because it is zinc. ALso, selenium could be a good choice as that binds mercury into an non-soluable nontoxic form. Avoid folic acid or folinic acid completely. You can get a SMALL dose of mb12 just by taking a quarter of a 1mg tablet and chewing and swallowing it quickly. That limits the amount absorbed to only a few mcgs through active channels if working, and even less if not working.