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Cytokine testing from Neuroscience


Senior Member
North Carolina
I just received a copy of my cytokine testing and the interpretation of the results...so it basically says I have inflammatory markers for a bacterial infection, viral infection, hypersensitivity and autoimmune diseases.

I am not really sure how to understand this. What really does this test mean if it says you have markers for all of these. Then it lists other tests to follow up with. I am wondering if this test is really useful if it indicates I could have any one of these.

Has anyone had this testing done and did you have the same results saying that follow up tests are really needed to rule in or out any of these things?



Senior Member
I just received a copy of my cytokine testing and the interpretation of the results...so it basically says I have inflammatory markers for a bacterial infection, viral infection, hypersensitivity and autoimmune diseases.

I am not really sure how to understand this. What really does this test mean if it says you have markers for all of these. Then it lists other tests to follow up with. I am wondering if this test is really useful if it indicates I could have any one of these.

Has anyone had this testing done and did you have the same results saying that follow up tests are really needed to rule in or out any of these things?


Excellent questions! I had this test done too but it was specifically for Lyme Disease. The cytokine profile was really out of whack. My doctor was convinced it indicated a Lyme co-infection. I am not so sure. I've recently seen Dr. Klimas and am awaiting my results from her.


Senior Member
North Carolina
I am really confused about the results..I mean every one of my high cytokines could be from either lyme, virus or autoimmune. So to me this means basically nothing. I guess I am kind of disappointed because it does tell me I have alot of inflammation but from what???? I have already gone the lyme route so I think it would be pointless to go back there. I am guessing I might have to have the other panels done just to find out any other information.

The cytokines that were high on mine were really high but there was also alot that were normal....confusing to me.
I am trying to get in to see Dr. Komaroff in Boston..they are reviewing my records I guess to see if I am a worthy candidate for a consultation. Will know in a few weeks...



senior member
Concord, NH
The cytokines that were high on mine were really high but there was also alot that were normal....confusing to me.
I am trying to get in to see Dr. Komaroff in Boston..they are reviewing my records I guess to see if I am a worthy candidate for a consultation. Will know in a few weeks...


Hope he takes you on!


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
Thanks...I hope so too. I will let you know when I hear back from them..I have my fingers crossed.

Dr. Klimas found my cytokines to be 5 times higer than they should be and the natural killer cells 25% of normal. EBV and HHV6 had reactivated. I had been feeling very sick.

I have never had my immune system looked at like that, and had seen several specialists in the 90's. Finally I have the reight tests!

I have a lot of inflammation, CRP 70, normal would be 30. I was wondering about curcumin for that but have no idea how much to take..anyone? The bottles says 1 capsule, they are 500mg.

I had been in remission or very close to close to it for 8 years.

I have been on Imunovir now for three months and feeling more like a human being. I have no side effects at all that I know of.

I have also been on the Simplified Program ala RichVank. I have raised the regular does by 1/4 without a problem. I will have been on that a year last September.

I also learned that I have POTS so I am working on that, lots of water, an electolyte solution and a low beta blocker.

My blood volume is low..working on that.

I am feeling better but a long ways to go!

I wonder about XMRV, Dr. Klima's advice was to wait.


Senior Member
North Carolina
I see the doctor in a month so I think I will just wait and see what he has to say about the results. I am not a professional so maybe I am just not understanding the whole picture...I had many very high cytokines but many normal or sub normal ones too.
He wanted me to start on Transfer factor but I have had a very bad reaction to them so I am going to quit for now. Glad to hear you are feeling better!


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
I wish I knew, I slowly came out of it. I took a lot of supplements for things I tested low in and had a lot of Myer's cocktails and vitamin IVs. I worked on detoxing, I was told I was posioning myself and to find a colonic therapist, the lympth was stuck. I did find one of the best in the country and she was only 60 miles away. She was in Who's Who in Alternative Medicine and Woman of the Year. I also did chelation. I used some homeopathics the therapist suggested and did parasite and yeast kills. I cut out sugar and and other carbs. No one ever got it that I had OI and no one ever looked at the immune system. I have POTS and I jsut learned that after a TTT, I think it is the hardest to treat. I did not have a clue about that. I have the high BP kind as in when I stand it goes up. Dr. Klimas said I had to have a trigger to get it going and I did have an odd stomach bug, some stress and was doing way too much and not listenng to my body which is a must. I did everyhting I learned about. Acupuncture made me feel terrible. I gritted my teeth through 12 sessions and then learned that it can stimulate the immune system and part of mine ws alredy going too fast. I read every book I could get my hands on.