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Got a juicer


Senior Member
I have been thinking about getting a juicer for sometime but not sure if it would be more trouble than it's worth. Well, some of my family sent me some money for my b day so thought I would give it a try. I figure I can always return it if it I don't like it. I made some awsome drinks today with cantaloupe, ginger, oranges ect. I want to work on making some vegetable drinks (that actually taste good). The only drawback is it is a pain in the ars to clean. I will give it a few days before I decide whether I will keep it or send it back. Anyone know any good receipes for juicers?


Senior Member
Tasmania, Australia

Is your juicer centrifugal? I have a single auger juicer which crushes fruit/vegies at a low speed to reduce nutrient loss, I also find it very easy to take apart and clean - after 9 months of use I have down to a fine art.:)

I juice quite regularly (x2 a day) and all are vegetable juices (as I have a fructose malabsorption issue plus am on a low carbohydrate diet). At the moment I'm doing a combination beetroot/celery/cucumber/cos lettuce/ginger juice with an emphasis on the green vegies. Sometimes I add parsley or garlic:eek:. It is a bit of an acquired taste but I just think of all the potent nutrients in it when I down it.

The vegetable juice that tastes quite yummy would be carrot/celery/ginger- can't drink much of this due to the high sugar content of the carrots.
What about a tomato based vegetable juice?

Have fun playing around with different combinations. Juicers are a great way to add concentrated nutrients in your body!



Senior Member

I bought Jack La lannes juicer. You can put the whole fruit in and the pulp shoots out into a side container. I read that it is best to put the pulp back into the juice as much of the nutrients are here. I am not a fan of tomato juice but love tomatoes. :rolleyes: I love ginger and will have to try some vegi juices mixed with ginger and some fruit. I read that ginger is a good anti inflammitory but you should rotate your recipes as there is a chance of developing an allergy. Anyway....the family and I had fun being creative tonight. I might even get some vegis into my children, ya right:rolleyes:.


I have an Omega juicer. It's quiet and really extracts a lot (its not centrifugal--its masticating). I used to do green juices (parsley, dandelion, spinach, lettuce and lemon) a few times a week. I haven't done them in a while.


Senior Member

I would love to get a juicer. I even got a book on juicing recipes but I don't know where it is now. :eek:

I'll be interested in hearing whether you decide whether or not its too much trouble to clean each time.

If I find the book I'll post some recipes. :)


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I've got a Champion Brand juicer. I love it--when I remember to use it! It only takes about a minute to clean once you get the hang of it.

Great way to drink a snack. If I remember right, they say to drink your juice separately from meals--is that right? And I need to keep my serving at about 4 oz or it kinda provokes detox. Anyone else?



Senior Member
Juicers are great.

You can find lots of veggie juice recipes online, and suggestions as to which veg. for which nutrients, etc.


Senior Member
Central Texas
Frickly juicer

I have an Omega, like Jenbooks. It's not hard to clean, but all the veggies make such a mess. I make a large glass, about 3 cups, tho some say not to drink that much or you will alkalize too much.

I use 1 bunch parsley, 3-4 stalks celery, 1 cucumber, 1 carrot, and a few leaves of kale. The carrot makes it taste good, but then, I always did like parsley. Your kids might not think so:)

This juice has gotten rid of detox symptoms, especially that burning headache a few times. Once when it didn't work, it was because I had forgotten to drink green tea that morning and apparently I'm addicted to the caffeine. :eek:

Anyway, I'm glad the family is into it. I like the idea of ginger, will try that!



Senior Member
Tasmania, Australia
I've got a Champion Brand juicer. I love it--when I remember to use it! It only takes about a minute to clean once you get the hang of it.

Great way to drink a snack. If I remember right, they say to drink your juice separately from meals--is that right? And I need to keep my serving at about 4 oz or it kinda provokes detox. Anyone else?


Yes, that's right, I think you need to allow at least 20 to 30 minutes before a meal. That's why I drink mine first thing in the morning and then a bit before dinner- I like this routine.

Also, I have heard that it is a good idea to slowly sip your fresh juice and allow it to thoroughly mix with your own saliva for better absorption.

I used to get a few horrible detox reactions- but I must be getting better because I don't have them now. One memorable moment 3 years ago, I juiced a potent mixture of greens, beetroot and tons of garlic. Once I drank it I realised my mistake:eek:- my eyes started to water and I felt that I was about to blow steam off the top of my head. I had such a big detox reaction I thought I was going to die! It was awful and took a few hours to pass.

Mixing the juice with some water may help lessen its potency and hence the detox reaction.



Senior Member
I had a juicer but I lost some bits in the last move. I don't know that I would be using it now, anyway, because it's a rather expensive way to consume veg and fruit.

My fav. was carrots, green apples and ginger! Yum!


Senior Member
To all,

Wow, I had not considered having a detox reaction! Koan, the carrots, apple and ginger do sound yummi. I will let you know how it goes but it is a pain to clean. We just got out of bed and my daughter is already asking for some juice.:D


The only reaction I've had is to cilantro--it's just too concentrated. You can put garlic and ginger in if you don't mind the taste but don't use much. Lemon really adds zing to a green juice. I can't tolerate raw kale--makes me gassy. I think I will make a juice today. I would say the dandelion and parsely are really good cleansers.

Omega is like Champion but the motor is much quieter. It's really excellent. You get much more nutrients from a masticating juicer as it doesn't destroy the enzymes. It's not hard to clean.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Juicer organization and cleanup

I think I have found the secret to the messy juicer dilemma. I have long plastic box...about 20X 9 inches I keep in the fridge for all the "juicing veges" I place in this celery , beets, carrots, ginger etc. When I want to juice I just go to the juicer box and pull it out without having to dive around in the fridge looking for everything.....so fast to make juice this way. Then I immediately clean it by running the sink with hot soapy water and throw the juicer in and go away for a while.....drink my juice. Then when I come back it is clean. If you clean it after you juice it is not so hard to clean. My husband taught me this....!!!!!!
The Juiceman

I had one of these a couple of years ago, but it's chomping power was kind of weak. Glad someone came up with an easier way to keep these clean these. I liked carrots, apples, and beets, but you have to go light on the carrots for glycemic content and Vitamin A (turning orange!).

If you really want a kick, try juicing bok choi - or better yet, a quarter clove of garlic. It will set all the germs in your esophagus on fire! And you'll never do it again. :)


Senior Member
Orange! Thanks for the warning

My first son loved carrots and your warning reminded me of his little orange face.:D
Virginia, USA
I also have an Omega juicer since I read that the masticating juicers keep the good enzymes etc in tact. It only takes a few minutes to clean and if I don't feel like doing it by hand I can just throw all the parts in the dishwasher which is awesome. So I find clean up to be very easy.

You definitely don't want to do too many fruit juices. I think it is recommended that you only drink something like 16oz a day of juiced fruit so that it doesn't mess with your blood sugar.

I normally do veggies with an apple for taste. I think celery, spinach, and an apple makes good juice. I normally throw a few other things in there too like bell peppers or kale or ginger etc. I personally don't like carrot in mine. Just play around with it and see what tastes good to you.

Also it is good to switch it up. I read that you should rotate what you put in so that you don't develop any allergies. Not sure if that is true or not but I have read that in several places. Oh and it is also recommended to use organic fruits and veggies for juicing so that you aren't getting any pesticides.

Anyhow...play around with it and see what tastes good to you. Just have fun with it!

OH and I also forgot to say that I had to start out slow too with only a couple of ounces because it gave me a detox reaction also. I eventually worked up to 16 ounces. So just keep that in mind.

Take Care,
Pam :)


Senior Member
It is the enzymes that are the critical thing with juicing if you are committed to healing rather than just enjoying juice.

Centrifugal juicers cut up the food and the heat involved reduces the enzymes available. If you have a centrifugal juicer, a way around this would be to buy a hydrolic press which will get the rest of the juice out with the enzymes remaining. Norwalk are considered the rolls royce of juicers and some are using a masticating juicer and the press in the Norwalk after tests have shown that this is a good way to get the most juice out.

In healing it is best to avoid fruit juice and green vegetables are the best product for healing. Cilantro chelates mercury so must be used with caution.

The easier they are to clean the more likely it will be that you will use them, that is why I chose a single auger modal. It takes me less than 20 seconds.

I love fennel and use this as a base often. Carrots are high in sugar so to be used cautiously.

Great ideas can be found on You Tube and I tell you what, some of them folk look really healthy.




Senior Member
It's official...

I love my juicer. Brenda, your post did disappoint me as mine is a Centrifugal juicer. I did buy it for health reason and wonder if I made a mistake in the kind of juicer I chose. This one cost 129.00 but was on sale. I cannot afford much more than this. Please tell me that I am still getting lots of health benefits from my inexpensive juicer.:( If I add some of the pulp back into the juice would that increase the enzymes? I like the one I have because it expresses alot of juice. I don't think I would be happy if it took 10 oranges to make one glass of orange juice.