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Vernon Response to CDC Research?


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
I read on PR somewhere about Vernon's response re: test tubes and another problem. Now, I've seen the practice of journals publishing criticisms from other scientists. Sort of like "letters to editor" except they are included in a rebuttal section. Does the journal in question do this? Is Vernon submitting one there? Is anyone submitting one there.

Sam Carter

I read on PR somewhere about Vernon's response re: test tubes and another problem. Now, I've seen the practice of journals publishing criticisms from other scientists. Sort of like "letters to editor" except they are included in a rebuttal section. Does the journal in question do this? Is Vernon submitting one there? Is anyone submitting one there.

There are quite a few responses / rebutalls to the Switzer et al paper, Andrew. You can find them at:


Often journals will publish the best letters and allow the authors of the paper to comment on any issues raised in them.