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Hemispherx and WPI analyze samples for XMRV and will present results on Sept. 7 and 8


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)

Here are some good news


In the October 8, 2009 issue of Science Express, a consortium of researchers from the Whittemore Peterson Institute, the National Cancer Institute and the Cleveland Clinic reported a new retrovirus in the blood cells of 67% of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ("CFS") patients and 3.7% in healthy control subjects. The infectious virus was also greater than 99% identical to that previously detected in prostate cancer. Retrospective analyses of patient samples from the completed Phase III trial of Ampligen in potential treatment of CFS continues in collaboration with the Whittemore Peterson Institute. We believe that these studies may provide a new perspective on the design of an additional confirmatory Phase III study in this disorder. The samples are being analyzed for the presence of XMRV (xenotropic murine leukemia related virus). Initial results on the XMRV data from the completed Phase III trial are planned for presentation at the 1st International Workshop on XMRV to be held on September 7 and 8, 2010 in Bethesda, Maryland at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services' National Institutes of Health ("NIH").
So whatever happens with the Dr. Alter et al. and the Dr. Bateman et al. studies, we won't have to wait longer than September 7 or 8 to get some new results, finally.
I have been thinking for a long time now "why doesn't the WPI release some results, any results?". It seems as if they are now doing that.
It makes the waiting much easier, if you know there will be something (even if we don't know the results yet, of course).


Senior Member
Would this relate to the KUNR WPI radio clip on creekfests thread? 800 xmrv+ in 1000 tested.

I never stopped believing from last October but this is wonderful.


Senior Member

Here are some good news


So whatever happens with the Dr. Alter et al. and the Dr. Bateman et al. studies, we won't have to wait longer than September 7 or 8 to get some new results, finally.
I have been thinking for a long time now "why doesn't the WPI release some results, any results?". It seems as if they are now doing that.
It makes the waiting much easier, if you know there will be something (even if we don't know the results yet, of course).

Good find, Eric! It will, indeed, make the waiting easier. I'm always glad to hear from WPI. :Retro smile:

So does this mean someone from WPI will be speaking at the 1st Intl XMRV Conference (or workshop or whatever) after all?


Senior Member
Something similar was put out by Hemispherix a few months ago to investors. This company has a history of presenting info to investors before scientists, not presenting the full data, not publishing their results other than general statements and doesn't have a good reputation among many in the CFS community. I'll trust what they have to say once they publish it with numbers and stats.


Senior Member
Something similar was put out by Hemispherix a few months ago to investors. This company has a history of presenting info to investors before scientists, not presenting the full data, not publishing their results other than general statements and doesn't have a good reputation among many in the CFS community. I'll trust what they have to say once they publish it with numbers and stats.

I agree with Hope123.

Don't hold your breath for anything coming from this presentation. This is all part of their ongoing, desperate PR campaign to boost their stock price that tanked after investors learned that they indeed did lie in June 2009 when they sent out press releases saying that Ampligen was about to be approved by the FDA. That lie sent the stock soaring to approx $4.50 a share, but tumbled this past December when the truth finally came out.

The stock is now worth about 50 cents. Amazing that the board of directors hasn't fired the CEO after so many, many lies.

More on their history here...
