MAF 314 - All Natural GcMAF Plus Probiotics


Senior Member
I've heard that one dose of MAF 314 is equal to 200 doses of chemical MAF, and despite this, patients are not getting the side effects from this that they get from chemical GcMAF.

A few highlights so far from Ruggerio on

"In fact, MAF 3 14 is not only a GcMAF-enriched yogurt. Based on Reids publications and successes, MAF 3 14 was developed to re-establish a healthy gut microbiota, very similar to that of newborn mammals. A sort of reset of the gut microbiota.....MAF 314 will still exert its effects even when the patient assumes other types of drugs"

This pdf shows the increases in cd4, cd8, and NK cells in test subjects:

Cd4 increased almost 2-fold (372 -> 609 ; 857 -> 1279). NK cells increased as well. In comparison, ART only increases CD4 by an average of 90 cells/ul.


Senior Member
southeast US
Great find, Joey. I haven't checked in on PR in quite awhile, and for those of us who've been using the rather expensive and far-from-hassle-free gcmaf, this is simply fantastic news. That is, of course, if it works. Doesn't it sound to you as if we may be able to purchase it soon? Again, thanks for this post.
I've heard that one dose of MAF 314 is equal to 200 doses of chemical MAF, and despite this, patients are not getting the side effects from this that they get from chemical GcMAF.

Hi Mojoey,

Where you read this from?


Senior Member
southeast US
Am I missing something? It's simply amazing to me that this hasn't caused more stir. I mean, on the main gcmaf thread, it could seemingly go on for pages about someone's VDR status, or endless KDM hype, and now it's been stated here that it may be possible to receive the gcmaf(and gcmaf was powerful medicine for me, the best thing tried in 25 years of me/cfs for me) treatment in the form of food, a special yogurt no less, and there's hardly thus far a spidgen of interest.

I keep coming back here to learn more, and there's nothing. It is so strange. Joey, can you answer healthconcern question above? Anything else to add like when and how to get the yogurt? Don't some of you others who've been on gcmaf have any questions?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I don't know how easy it will be to get this--maybe someone knows more--but Dr. Cheney is starting a trial with it this month.



Senior Member
More data should be available closer to the end of August.

M Ruggiero wrote:

In the trial that is about to begin, also subjects who assumed chemical GcMAF in the recent past will consume MAF 3 14. By the end of August we shall have the first results. These will be presented at conferences in September and at RA2011 in December.

"Thus, in addition to the results presented at IAS2011 in Rome, we just recently observed that daily consumption o MAF 3 14 increased Natural Killer (NK) cell number both in HIV/AIDS and in non-HIV subjects. Daily consumption of MAF 3 14 was also accompanied by an increase in red blood cell count both in anemic HIV/AIDS and in non-HIV subjects."


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Oh my gosh!!! I would try this tomorrow if it were available. I hope the trial goes well and it becomes available soon!
Thank you for telling us about this, mojoey!


Senior Member
The data is very promising, but I can't discuss it. Dr. Ruggiero understandably only permits me to talk about what is in the public domain.

My only concern is whether some people's dairy intolerances will not allow them to try the product. I'm Asian so I have it worse than most. I can't even do goat milk.


Senior Member
Do you know how you are with properly fermented soy Joey?
There's no strain I haven't been able to grow OK in just has to be cultured 24 hours for me not to react to it.

What probiotic strains are they using in the yogurt I wonder?

This is very interesting - thanks for sharing!

The data is very promising, but I can't discuss it. Dr. Ruggiero understandably only permits me to talk about what is in the public domain.

My only concern is whether some people's dairy intolerances will not allow them to try the product. I'm Asian so I have it worse than most. I can't even do goat milk.


Senior Member
"Enzymes of certain strains of microorganisms contained in yogurt and kefir are able to convert milk Gc-protein into active DBP-MAF."

So in this case, the "milk Gc-protein" may require milk to be converted into DBP-MAF. It would be ideal if a wide range of culturing mediums could be used (like with kefir), but I suspect that will not be the case. As easy as this process sounds (get some MAF, culture it, voila!) Ruggiero says:

"This was not easy at all and the number 314 indicates the number of different combinations/experiments we had to perform before obtaining the right conditions. This is definitely not something that you could perform in your home kitchen!


Senior Member
Despite feeling like homemade kefir and homemade yogurt is a really good thing for me (accounting for maybe half of all my food intake recently), I'm a little less enthusiastic than these bloggers that this is going to be any sort of solution by itself.

However, I am interested in the fact that the idea is being floated in the AIDS community that the HIV infection is a result of some underlying immune deficiency, rather than some killer bug from hell.

They suggest that the immune deficiency is different from person to person, which doesn't sound right to me though. Has anyone been reading enough in the AIDS discussion groups to know if there's any specific underlying "cause" being posited?

>In addition to the basic science interest, we were also attracted by the possibility to demonstrate in the laboratory that the famous words of Prof. Montagnieryou will get rid of the virus in a few week if you have a good immune systemwere true. Not that we doubted his words, but we knew that his words were based upon his clinical observations and not on actual experiments performed in the laboratory. The rationale is simple: if GcMAF administration eradicates HIV infection as published by Prof. Yamamoto, since GcMAF is not an antiretroviral and it should do no harm to the virus, this demonstrates that an empowered immune system is able to eliminate HIV and prevent AIDS. This would in turn demonstrate that immunodeficiency is the cause of chronic HIV infection and not vice-versa. In addition, this approach, often referred to as immunotherapy, would shift the focus from the fight against the virus to the effort to re-establish, or empower, an immune system made deficient by a number of different causes, probably different for each individual.

>I often use the following example from my previous experience in lung cancer research. Even though many lung cancer patients are heavy smokers, lung cancer occurs also in non-smokers. Imagine you are an oncologist dealing with lung cancer patients. It makes no sense and it is criminal to abstain from using available anti-cancer therapeutic strategies (surgery, radio- or chemotherapy) and instead have all the lung cancer patients attend courses or counseling to stop smoking. This is what happens with AIDS; instead of focusing on the real disease, immunodeficiency, they try to fight the virus that putatively causes it, paying the high price of severe side effects, among which is drug-induced immunodeficiency, while at the same time ignoring the immune system without trying to reinforce it.


Senior Member

So in this case, the "milk Gc-protein" may require milk to be converted into DBP-MAF. It would be ideal if a wide range of culturing mediums could be used (like with kefir), but I suspect that will not be the case. As easy as this process sounds (get some MAF, culture it, voila!) Ruggiero says:

At the risk of sounding like a weirdo, I wonder if human milk has enough Gc-protein to make it a viable option, especially for those intolerant to milk from other species? :) When I read the bit about resetting the gut microbiota (and baby mammals) I was already thinking along those lines.

OK, even if human milk isn't viable there must be some way around the intolerance problem. I know so many ME sufferers who can't drink milk. I'm guessing this would be the same in the AIDS community?

Do you know Joey if the yogurt is live?

V. interesting stuff!


Senior Member
southeast US
All this is extremely interesting, mojoey. With no medical training I can ask some pretty stupid questions and I got one for you now. Like you, diary products give me a lot of trouble. However, I'd be more than willing to put up with the side effects of yogurt if this MAF 3 14 still worked its magic. I'd be interested in your opinion(if you have one), so my question is this: if one has sensitivities to dairy products do you think this will negate or prohibit MAF 3 14 activation? Thanks.

Anyone else have thoughts on this matter?


Senior Member
As also a non-medical person, I can offer this thought: though I have lactose intolerance in a a big way, yogurt/kefir made from RAW organic goat's milk presents no problem whatsoever--in fact it is quite healing. If MAF 314 becomes available as a powder from which we can culture our own fermented product, this would present some options for those with sensitivities, as long as you have access to alternatives. Some strains of flora can be cultured in nut milks, coconut water, or water with some kind of added sugars like figs.


Senior Member
southeast US
Thank you, leela. Okay, since culturing your own fermented product happens to be another area I'm totally lacking in knowledge there may be some additional questions once MAF 314 becomes available. Thanks again.